The love of us

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Dammion's P.O.V.- I woke up around 6, it was early af so I decided to see what Devyn was up to. "Hunny!" I sang throughout her room."

"Bathroom!" She sang back mocking my voice, making me laugh

"Dammion, you and I were both really tired last night and we were talking out the side of our heads so I think need to keep our relationship like this and see where it goes, not a couple quite yet, you know?" She said walking up to me, looking in my eyes.

"Yeah same here. I feel that way too, that's actually what I was going to tell you." I said smiling.

"Okay cool, but did you get any text messages for JaMarcus or Aubrey?  Because apparently she broke up with him last night, and he's really hurt." She said reading her texts.

"Yeah I did." I said laughing since it seemed like they text us everytime something goes wrong with them.

"Its not funny!" Devyn said giggling back.

"Lets go check on JaMarcus." I said getting up.

"Alright, I gotta get dressed, so get out." Devyn said laughing, pushing me out her room.

After what seemed like forever Devyn was ready! She looked gorgeous as always, she wore a white half shirt with tupac on it wearing a purple bandanna, a pair of turquoise shorts, and her white grapes like mine. Oh and she wore her hair in big bun.

"Dammion, I really hope you have gas in your car, because I'm not trying to be stranded." She joked.

"Nigga I got gas in my car!" I said bucking at her.

We were on our way to my house to get my car since Devyn lazy ass didn't want to drive! I lost my house key but not my other keys.

"Your car smells good!" Devyn said getting in my blue audi SUV

"Thanks bae." I laughed since she instantly looked over at me.

"I'm just kidding with ya!" I said in my best country accent. We both laughed

"Nope, If I'm bae then I'm just bae!" She said rolling her eyes.

"What did I tell you about them eyes?" I said punching her arm lightly.

"Don't know, don't care! Devyn sang out.

"Nigga, what was the point of singing that? I asked laughing hard as fuck.

"I don't know babe." She answered looking over at me smiling.

"Flirting with me? Okay keep on." I said feeling good as hell on the inside.

"Well, You're my future boyfriend so I can flirt with you." "If you don't mind." She said smiling hard as hell.

Devyn's P.O.V.- "I mean I want to be with you, but like you said we don't need to rush anything so for right now, you're bae. Dammion said smiling, looking at the road.

"Okay, cool. I said not knowing what else to say.

We arrived at JaMarcus's house, but he wasn't there. So we just went to the movies.

"Bae, what do you want to see?" I asked Dammion.

"Uhhhh, lets see Insidious 2." He answered looking at me.

"Oh hell no! You know I'm scary!" I laughed

"I gotchu." Dammion said looking at me, and at that moment I knew everything he said he meant.

"AHHHH, OH SHIT!" I screamed and so did some other people in the movie theater. Dammion ass wasn't scared at all!

"Omg, I'm bout to go!" I said standing up when the demon jumped out on the little boy.

"No, babe hold up. Dammion saying following me out.

"I'll be in the car, give me your keys!" I said screaming over the scary music.

"Devyn, now you know you're scary ass isn't going to sit in that car by yourself." He said looking me in my eyes.

I hate to admit it but he was right.

"You're right, well I'll sit in the lobby part." I said really trying to leave.

"And you know I'm not going to just leave you out there." He said in a duh tone.

"Well I'm not staying in here." I said jumping since the scary music started playing again.

"The movie is almost over anyway, so come on." He said pulling me out the movie.

"You're staying with me again right?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"You know I am, I'm not leaving your ass at home alone after that movie.  Dammion answered looking over at me.

                        *Later that Night*

We both took our showers, ate, and decided to call Aubrey and JaMarcus....long story short they both have completely different sides of how they broke up. So we just left it alone.

Let me know what you think! I know this chapter is kind of boring, so let me know your thoughts on how to make it better.


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