The love of us: Funeral pt.2

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Dammion's P.O.V.- Today is the day that I will bury the only woman besides my mama that has been there for me my whole life...

my Grandma.

Devyn has been really supportive through it all, all throughout the week at school she would do everything for me. That's a huge surprise because Devyn doesn't like to take care of anybody.

"Hey honey" My mama said standing in the doorway of my room.

"Hey mama, I'm alright." I said sitting up.

My mama has really been checking on me too, she's been the strongest in our family.

"I'm glad to here that, get up and get ready we have a long day ahead of us." She looked off into space like something was on her mind.

I didn't bother to ask.

"Alright mama, love you." I smiled at her.

She laughed, before walking out of my room "I love you too son."

As I was going into the restroom my phone started ringing....It was Devyn.


"Wassup short ass" I said answering the phone, laying back in my bed.

"Goodmorning to you too." She laughed into the phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing picking out something to wear for..." She stopped in the middle of the sentence.

I knew what she was going to say.

"Babe its okay, you can say it." I sighed.

"No I don't like to say it." Devyn's voice changed like she was about to cry.

"Please don't cry, not today." I whispered into the phone

"Okay." She whispered back.

"Babe come to my house and get ready, we can go together."

"Alright, I'm coming." She hung up.

I hope today goes good...

Devyn's P.O.V.- I grabbed a long sleeve black bodycon dress, some black red bottoms, my curling wand, and other necessities.

The family wants to wear black and red because red was Grandma Helen's favorite color, and black is just the normal color to wear to a funeral.

I looked at my phone and it was a text from Aubrey. She basically told me that she would meet us at Dammion's house at 12:30 because the funeral starts at one.

I parked by the mailbox and knocked on the door.

"Hey babe." I smiled up at Dammion.

He kissed my lips "Hey."

"Where's your mama?" I asked walking behind him up the stairs.

"She went to make sure everything was ready."

"Oh, have you picked out your suit yet?" I asked.

"Nope." He was laying on the bed scrolling thru his phone.

"Let me then." I walked to his closet.

I picked out a red button down polo shirt, some black slacks, a black over coat jacket, and a red bow tie.

"Do you like?" I smiled at Dammion.

He sat up "Yeah, thank you."

"Welcome, your matching me." I said sitting on the bed.

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