The love of us

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Devyn's P.O. V.- "Hi, I am Rebbeca Henry but all of you will call me Mrs.Henry." My art teacher said. She was a tall white lady, she has long blonde hair, and she wears glasses.

"Well duh!" Keisha Lewis said causing me to laugh because I was thinking the same thing.

"Hey Devyn!" She said smiling at me.

"Hey Keisha, how are you? " I asked her smiling back.

"Good. I hea-" She was cut of by the bell.

I immediately got up and headed to 5th period it was Bim and after that I would have lunch.

Only select few took bim and unfortunately I was one of them. That class flew by so I went to lunch.

I saw Dammion standing, talking to my enemy and that made me feel some type if way.

Dammion P.O.V.- I walked into the the upstairs part of our cafeteria when I heard someone calling my name.

"Dammion!" It was Melody Prince, her and Devyn hate each other with a passion. They have since we were younger.

No one really knows why but we all think its because Molody is a copy cat about everything Devyn does, she's a very jealous, selfish,crazy ass girl! That's why nobody talks to her like that.

I walked over the the table she was sitting down at "What?"

"Why so rude." She stood up.

"Cause I don't fool with you like that and the only reason you called me over here is because you know Devyn and I are together." I said looking at her.

"Am I right or wrong?" I said crossing my arms.

She still didn't say anything.

"Thought so!" I said walking away.

She grabbed my face and smiled.

I heard someone running out of the cafeteria, I turned around to see the back of Devyn.

I pushed Melody back "Bitch you crazy!"

I ran after Devyn, to my surprise she was outside the doors of the cafeteria. I guess waiting for me to come after her.

"Babe, I hope you don't think anything of that." I turned around pointing to Melody threw the glass door.

"Dammion I don't know what to think anymore." She crossed her arms across her chest.

"Well I'm not apologizing cause I ant do shit." I sighed.

"I didn't ask you too." She gave me a evil look.

I smirked at her "You must really care about me, to get mad over some shit like that."

"Whatever." She started to walk away.

I grabbed her arm and put my arms around her waist.

"What?" She blushed

"Calm down, and can we please stop all this madness." I asked leaning down to her level and putting my forehead to hers.

"I'm calm that was just shocking to see." She said messing with my beanie.

"Yeah, sooo do you forgive me yet?" I asked Devyn looking at her.

"Nope, so show me that I can trust you again." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm working on it nigga." I said grinding into her, she laughed.

"You know I planned out how mad I was going to be at you, and how I wasn't going to talk to you for at least a month." She was still laughing.

"Well, we see it didn't work out like that." I laughed too.

"Come on." Devyn said pulling me.

"Where are we going?" I whined.

"I sure as hell don't want this nasty ass school food, and I know you don't either so we're going to Olive Garden." She smiled.

Our school lets us leave for lunch if your a junior or senior.

We both hopped in her range rover and left.

"I see you starting to drive more." I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm getting better." She said turning on a CD.

My song Honest by Future came on and Devyn and I both knew the whole song so we put it on repeat and sang it over and over again on the way to Olive Garden.

"How many?" The lady asked us at the front.

"2" We said in unison.

Once we were in the booth waiting on our Waiter we just talked.

"I miss you." I said looking into her eyes.

"I miss you too, but I'm teaching you a lesson! No intimacy until I forgive you." She smiled showing her dimples.

"Well I wish you go ahead and forgive me." I sighed.

"Should have thought before you lied about major shit like that." She said talking her phone out of her purse.

"I know, and I'm sorry again." I streached.

"I know that." She smacked her lips.

"You've had an really bad attitude lately, I think you need some of this dick." I winked at her.

She laughed "O."

"I love you girl. " I thumped her forehead.

"I love you too ugly." She wrinkled her face up.

After we ate it was time to head back to school.

"I don't want to go." Devyn whined.

"Me either." I grabbed her hand.

"Ooooo, wanna skip?" She looked up at me.

"Nigga its the first day back." I laughed hard.

"Your point?" She smacked her lips.

"Technically we don't have to be back until 1 and its 12:22."

"I wanna take a nap." Devyn sad getting into her car.

"Me too, I was up all night worrying about your ass."

"Awww, my poor babe." She pinched my cheek.

"Ima take a nap in your car so wake we up when we have to go back in the school." I said, leaning the passenger seat all the way back.

"Hell when we get in the parking lot ima take a nap too." She yawned.

"Set your alarm clock on your phone." I closed my eyes.


That was the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.

"Dammion wake up." Devyn said shaking me.

I stretched "What time is it."

"5:00" She laughed.

"What the fuck school been over!"

"Duh, I set my alarm for 1 a.m. on accident." She gave me a sad look.

I just laughed "Its cool, I needed that sleep anyway."

"Well bye." She said looking at me like I was crazy.

"What you mean?"

"We're in the school parking lot and your car Is right there." She pointed out the window.

I opened the door "Can I at least get a hug."

"Come around to me side." She smacked her lips.

I did as she asked, I know that's sounds stupid cause it was just a damn hug. But still a nigga miss touching on his girl.

She hugged me tight then pulled back.

"Bye." She said closing her car door.

Damn, I hope she forgive me soon cause I can't deal with this fuck shit!

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