The love of us pregnant? pt.2

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Wow.....I can't believe I've written fifty chapters already!  Half way to 100 guys, anyway plenty more to come.

Devyn's P.O.V.- "What? Let me see!" I walked up to Aubrey and sure enough all four of the test she had were positive.

"Shit, so what now?" She asked, like I would know.

"Lets just wait until the other test show positive or negative." I tried to calm down.

"Okay." She calmed down with me.

I couldn't even put into words how I was feeling, I just wanted to know if I was or not.

We walked into my restroom a couple minutes later and all of the test were positive, and I mean they weren't barley positive, they were strong.

"Shit!" I put my hands over my face, and Aubrey pulled me into a hug.

"Its going to be alright." She whispered in my ear.

About an hour later we decided I should go to the doctor, just to see how many weeks I am.

I couldn't wait to make an appointment to go the real Doctor so I decided to go to a Clinic.

"Are you sure you want to go to a Clinic?" Aubrey asked scrunching her face up at me.

"Yes! Now come on." I put on my green glows and went down stairs into the garage.

I wanted to take one of my mom's cars because I didn't want anyone to recognize us.

I picked out her all black Tahoe because it was a normal car that didn't look to expensive.

It took me no time to get to the Clinic, and to get signed in.

Aubrey and I just sat in the Lobby waiting for my name to be called.

"Devyn Daniels?" Said a tall, blonde white man.

"That's me." I got up and made my way to where he was.

"So why are you here today Ms.Daniels?" He smiled.

I sat on the bed "Well I missed my period a few days ago, and I took ten pregnancy test and they all came out positive. So I came to see how many weeks I am."

He looked at Aubrey and then back at me "Okay, the doctor should be in shortly."

"Okay, thank you Sir." I smiled as he walked out of the room.

The doctor came in not even five minutes later.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Harris." He smiled.

"Hello." Aubrey and I said in unison.

"Nurse Mason told me why you're hear so lets go ahead and see." He motioned for me to lay back so he could put that cold gel stuff on my stomach.

He sighed "Yes indeed you are pregnant, eight weeks."

Aubrey smiled and clapped her hands.

I didn't do shit! No that I wasn't happy or whatever I just was in major shock.

"You look young Ms.Daniels, how old are you?" He asked wiping my stomach.

"16, 17 in March." I sat up when he was finished.

"Young huh?" He smirked.

"Yes sir." I was a little embarrassed.

"Well I hope you know a child is a lot of responsibility if you plan on keeping it." He crossed his arms.

"I know, and I do plan on keeping it. I'm totally against abortion and adoption isn't a choice for me either, I believe that I got myself into this so I'm going to keep it." I looked into his brown eyes.

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