The love of us

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Devyn's P.O.V.- I woke up to Lil Noah pulling on my hair telling me he peed on himself.

I yawned "Yes Noah?"

"D.D. I peed on myself." He cried, he calls me D.D. since my name is Devyn Daniels.

I felt his Spider-Man pajamas and he sure had peed on himself "How did you do that?"

"I don't know." He cried some more.

"Hey quite crying its going be alright." I sat up in the bed and stretched.

Dammion squirmed a little in his sleep but didn't wake up

Noah and I walked into Dammion's room and I changed the sheets.

"I'm sorry D.D." He said wiping his eyes.

"Its okay, even though you peed on yourself your still my little boyfriend." I smiled at him trying to cheer him up.

After bathing Noah again and changing his clothes, I couldn't find anymore sheets so my only choice was to wake Dammion up.

"Babe." I said shaking him.

Of course his ass didn't budge.

"Baaaaaabbeeeeee!" I shook him a little harder.

"Bitch I know you hear me!" I hit him across his head.

"Damn Devyn!  Always fucking with people shid you see I'm tryna sleep." He whined.

I laughed hard as hell cause that shit was funny.

"It ant funny either." He smacked his lips.

"I was waking you up because I wanted to know where your extra set of sheets are." I said rubbing his back.

"Why?" He asked with an attitude.

"Cause Noah peed in your bed and I put your sheets in the washer."

"What the fuck, that lil nigga peed in my bed!" His eyes shot open.

"Keep calm, I sprayed them and everything before I put them in the washer." I laughed.

"Where is he now?" He asked concerned.

"In your room playing your PlayStation." I said kissing his ear.

"Alright, get up so I can make us breakfast." He said hitting my foot. I was sitting on his back.

"I wanna help!" I said

"Sure." Dammion looked at me going into the restroom to brush his teeth, I did the same.

After he was finished he went into his room to talk to Noah. He kissed his forehead.

"Aww, babe your going to make a amazing daddy one day." I smiled in the door way watching Dammion and Noah talk.

"Thanks bae." He smiled back at me.

"D.D. you'll be a good mommy." Noah said putting his finger in his mouth.

"Thank you boo." I said going to sit by them.

We talked to Noah for a little while longer before going downstairs to make breakfast.

"Devyn what do you want to eat?" Dammion asked me sitting on the counter.

"Food." I said going in between his legs.

He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips a few times.

"Okay enough of that my nigga." He said smacking my ass.

"Your right." I moved so he could get down.

After about an hour of us slaving in that hot ass kitchen we finally were done cooking breakfast.

We made pancakes, bacon, cheese eggs, cinnamon rolls, and strawberry banana smoothies.

"This is good Jah'mall." Noah said calling Dammion by his middle name, all of his family calls him that.

"Thanks Lil Noah."

After we all ate Dammion dressed Noah and himself while I got dressed and did my hair and make-up so we could go to Chuckee Cheese.

It was cute we looked like a little family. I wore a tight black t-shirt, with some light skinny jeans, one of Dammion's black and gold Versace beanies, and my Timberland boots.

Dammion had on basically the same exact thing I had on but the male version and so did Noah.

"Aye we all match." Dammion said looking at me up and down.

"Yeah lets take some pictures for Instagram." I took out my phone.

We took about twenty pictures before I decided on five to make a collage with.

The caption read "My boys and I."

"Chuckee Cheese Yayyyy!" Noah said yelling when we pulled up to the place.

"Aye calm down Lil Noah, and when we get in here don't run away from us, don't talk to strangers, and don't be doing all that crying shit if you don't get any tickets from a game." Dammion said taking Noah out of hia car seat.

"Okay Jah'mall." Noah grabbed my hand and we walked in.

There were kids everywhere. Screaming, crying, eating, playing, and running.

"Shit, what did we get ourselves into to!" Dammion screamed over the loud noise.

"I don't even know." I looked around.

"D.D. I want to play!" Noah said pulling my hand down.

"Hold on, we have to get you some tokens." I said picking him up.

"Can I get two buckets of tokens please?" Dammion said taking to a young black lady.

She was around my height, and weight.

"Yes, you can get anything you want." She flirted and winked as she took the money out of Dammion's hand.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes "Thirsty ass females these days."

She looked up at me as if she had a promblem.

"May I help you? Your staring at me like you have an issue." I asked her.

"No not at all my bad. Is this your son?" She asked nervously referring to Noah.

Dammion could feel me getting irritated with her so he wrapped his arm across my shoulder.

"Nah, my little cousin and this is my girlfriend." He said kissing my cheek.

That pissed her off and we could tell so we just walked away laughing at her dumb thirsty ass.

"My babe jealous?" He asked my pulling me into his side.

I looked up at him "Hell yeah, did you see the way she looked at you? Like she wanted to suck your dick right there!"

Dammion laughed at me "Babe its cool, I gotcha."

"I know." I blushed.

"I wanna play." Noah pouted.

"Alright come on." Dammion grabbed Noah's hand while I carried the tokens.

We played games with Noah for at least three hours then he wanted to play by himself.

He won a lot of stuff that seemed cool to little kids.

He even gave me a stuffed money since he said I'm his girlfriend, and Dammion a stuffed giraffe cause he said he's tall.

We didn't even drive out of the parking lot good before he was sleep snoring and all.

"Well its only 5:35 so I guess I'll take him back to my house, and if he wakes up we can take him to get some ice-cream and then take him home." Dammion said looking back at Noah.

"Yeah, ima take a nap too though." I rested my head on the seat.

"Me too." Dammion yawned.

When we got back to the house we all took our shoes off and climbed into the guest bed.



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