The love of us

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Devyn's P.O.V.- When I came out of the restroom, Dammion had a shocked, hurt, and angry look on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked getting back in the bed.

He didn't say anything, he was still looking into space.

"Dammion!" I touched his shoulder.

"Huh?" He jumped, looking at me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked again, becoming suspicious.

"Ummm.....uhhhh......Nothing, just tired." He lied.

"I know you're lying Dammion, when will the lies stop?" I asked, sighing.

"Devyn I-" He tried to explain but I knew he would just lie again so I shut him up.

"Whatever, I have school in a couple hours so goodnight." I rolled my eyes at him, and pulled the covers over my body.

                      *Later that morning*

My phone's alarm clock went off, waking me up.

I quickly rolled out of the bed and went to the restroom to get my day started, After I got out of the shower I put my hair in a high bun and left my bangs hanging. I put on a pair of dark gray tights, and a navy blue sweater that had Tupac on in in black and white.

"You leaving?" Dammion flipping over, and looked at me.

"Yeah, school." I said, slipping on my black toms.

"Are you coming back when you get out?" He asked, yawning.

"I don't know, I might." I said, searching around for my car keys.

He handed them to me, and laid back down.

"Thank you, I gotta go unless I'm gonna be late." I looked at my phone, seeing it was 8:40 a.m.

"Alright, and I'm sorry about last night. I promise I'll tell you tomorrow when we go out to eat." He looked in my eyes.

I honestly forgot all about that but I swore I would go out to eat with him, and unlike him I keep my promises.

When I got in my car, I sped down the road, luckly I made it to school just in time.

"Well if it isn't my Lil nigga and my other Lil nigga!" Albert said running into me, almost knocking my down.

"Hey Albert, hey Desmund." I spoke politely.

Desmund is Diamond's boyfriend, he plays basketball with Dammion them. He doesn't really talk to me but I hear he's cool people.

"What's up?" Desmund asked, speaking back to me.

He kind of reminds me of Shannon Brown but just a couple shades lighter.

"Nothing, just tired. I'm ready to go to home already." I sighed thinking about my bed. I would go home if I could but honestly I couldn't afford to miss that many more days since I was out with Dammion when he got shot, and I still hadn't fully caught up on my work.

Desmund and Albert laughed "I feel you Lil Dev." Albert said, walking with me down the hallway.

When we passed my class I told them I would talk to them later before I went in and sat down.

"Hey boo."  Aubrey said touching my stomach before she sat in her normal seat beside me.

"Hey." I yawned.

"Somebody's tired I see." She joked, taking out some paper and a pen to do the warm-up our teacher put on the board.

"Ugh do I have to do that too?" I asked putting my head on my desk.

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