The love of us(3 weeks later)

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Aubrey's P.O.V.- It was 3 in the afternoon when my daddy came in my room.

"Boomie, I have something to tell you." He said calling me by my nickname that only he calls me.

"Yea?" I sat up in my bed and looked at him.

"Since you haven't had your car since the suicide incident, your mother and I not only are giving you your car back. Butttt we decided to get you a new car." He smiled taking Porsche keys our of his pocket.

"OMG, what kind of Porsche is it?" I said jumping up and down.

"Its a Porsche Cayenne." He laughed at me while I was still jumping up and down screaming.

"Here go look at it." He smiled, hugging me.

I ran outside and just like he said it was a Porsche Cayenne. It was silver with black and silver rims. Since it doesn't have a license plate in the front, the license plate in the back had Aubrey on it.

"Thank you daddy!" I cried running back in the house.

"You're welcome Boomie." He said handing me the keys.

I went back upstairs to my room and grabbed my phone, then went back out to my car.

I got inside and wow it was beautiful.

The inside was all black leather and my seat, the passenger seat, and my steering wheel cover were leopard print just like Devyn's but her's is red and mine is pink.

I sent Devyn a text message to let her know I was going to her house.

Me: Devyn boo, I'm coming to your house and I got a new car!!!!! :)

Devyn Boo: Okay, and I know. I went with your parents to pick it out. Porsche Babyy!

Me: Aw thanks boo!

I smiled and bagged out of my yard......

It took me no time to get to Devyn's house.

When I got there her mom was home to my surprise.

"Hey Aubrey." She said grabbing me and kissing my cheek.

Devyn's mom Alicia is a very pretty mexican lady. She has long black hair that she dyed not to long ago,it hangs down to her lower back.

"Hey Ms.Alicia, how are you?" I smiled at her.

"I'm fine, about to leave out of town in a few hours though." She sighed.

Devyn's parents are always out of town and out of state. I haven't seen her dad since the end of May and its now August. Devyn says it doesn't bother her that her parents are always gone but I can tell it does.

"Where are you going?" I asked her curiously.

"I have to go Colorado to meet with a few clients." She said running her fingers threw her hair.

"Where's Devyn?" I changed the subject since I could tell she didn't want to talk about it.

"Umm, she should be in her room." She walked into the house, I went right behind her.

"Devyn!" She called out for her.

She came and looked over the stair well "Hey Aubrey." She smiled then came down the stairs.

"Mom, when do you leave?" She said hugging on her.

"6:40 and my my flight Is at 9." Ms.Alicia said kissing Devyn's forehead.

"Okay, well we should be back before you leave but if not then I'll call you." Devyn said going back up the stairs to get her purse, phone and shoes.

"Soooo are you driving?" Devyn said looking at me once we were back outside.

"Yeah, I guess." I laughed.

"Devyn why the hell did you get your license if you never want to drive?" I asked seriously.

She looked at me "Well you know everybody wants there license and not only did I get one car but I got two."

"So why don't you drive?"

"Cause my nigga I really don't like to drive unless I feel like it, or if I really have to." She said looking at her phone.

"I give you your credits your getting better." I said tapping her leg.

"Thanks, I really like this car! Maybe I should get myself a red one."

"Then you'll have three cars that you don't drive!" I laughed.

"Anyway...where are we going?" She sighed.

"The fair, everybody from our school is supposed to be there."

"Yayyyy!" Devyn said like a little kid.

"Nigga shut up" I said fixing my mirror.

"Have you heard from JaMarcus? Cause I haven't heard Dammion in like two days!" Devyn said looking like she was worried.

The truth is I have heard from Dammion and JaMarcus.  They flew out to Atlana 2 days ago which was Thursday for some drug business. You see Dammion and JaMarcus have been in the drug business for about a year now. Devyn doesn't know anything about it because she's always been the type of person to worry about stuff like that.

I promised Dammion that if she asked about him to tell her that he was visiting his grandma in Texas before school starts. Sooo that's exactly what I said.

"Um, yeah Dammion is visiting his Grandma in Texas before school starts." I said looking at the road.

"How is it that you know, last time I checked I am his girlfriend." She said annoyed.

"He told me to tell you." I turned into the fair parking lot.

"Oh." She sighed

I could tell she felt some type of way about it but I couldn't say anything.

I personally think that its wrong for them to sell drugs. I mean hell they both have shit loads of money, but whatever I just don't know how much longer I can go on keeping this a secret from my bestfriend.

The love of usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora