The love of us

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Devyn's P.O.V.- "Aubrey, can you grab my straighter." I asked her as we were going down the stairs.

"Yeah, I need to use it." She said going back to my bathroom.

We were at my house grabbing things we needed for the next few days.

"I don't want to go back just yet." I said getting into her car.

"Me either, we can go to the movies. You know The Best Man Holiday just came out." She backed out my garage.

"Yeah lets go see it, and then we can go get something to eat." I said putting on my seatbelt.

"What time is it?"

" 10:35" I said looking at my phone.

We didn't want to run into anybody from school so we had to keep a low profile.

"Okay." She said.

We were walking into the movie theater and of couse it was packed, thank god we didn't see anybody from school.

"Hey Devyn!" Dammion's aunt Hope said coming up to me and hugging me.

"Hey." I said hugging her back.

Aubrey was looking at me funny so I guess she wanted me to introduce her.

"Aunt Hope this is my best friend Aubrey." I said introducing them.

Aunt Hope is super friendly so she pulled Aubrey into a hug "Hey pretty." She smiled.

"Hi." Aubrey said nervously. 

I almost busted out laughing because the look on her face was priceless.

"Where's my Nephew?" She asked.

"School, Aubrey and I didn't go because we both had doctors appointments." I said making up a quick lie.

I've never been a good liar but in times of need like this I'll do what I have to do.

She looked at me as if she didn't believe me but she didn't say anything.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Enjoy the movie." I said grabbing Aubrey's hand.

We headed towards the top so we couldn't really be seen.

Two hours and fifteen minutes later we were walking out.

"That was a really good movie, but kinda sad." I said dapping my eyes with a tissue.

"Shit I could tell by the way your were crying." Aubrey said pushing me with her hip.

"Shut up bitch." I said laughing.

She laughed too "So do you want to get something to eat now?"

"Hell yeah, I'm hungry as hell!" I said.

She drove to Chicken Express and went thru the drive thru.

Everytime we go there we get the same thing a #1 with okra, a biscuit, and sweet tea. We both also buy a gallon of sweet tea.

We ate in the parking lot then headed back to Dammion's summer house.

"I hope their not that mad anymore because I don't feel like dealing with their attitudes." Aubrey said taking a sip of her drink.

"Me either my nigga." I laid my head back on the seat.

About an hour later we were there.

Dammion's car and my mom's camero were both in the garage so we knew they were there.

After getting our things we went in.

"Bout time yall come back." JaMarcus said laying on the couch playing a game.

Dammion rushed down the stairs "Next time yall leave can you tell us when you'll be back? Both of you are being looked for you know!" He had an attitude.

"Last time I checked my daddy was in Europe so don't tell me what to do." I got an attitude right back.

"Devyn gone with that bullshit." He waved me off.

"No! You've had an attitude with me since this morning and when I get one back you can't handle it." I pushed him back, but he didn't budge.

I've never been one to back down to anybody. No matter how tall, or strong you are. Shit fuck that!

"You know what ima just go go sleep. JaMarcus put both of yall stuff in one room so I guess yall are sleeping together." He gave me a smirk, knowing that that's not what we had in mind.

"Love you too." He said when I gave him the middle finger.

Soon after JaMarcus headed upstairs and didn't say shit to either one of us.

"I swear I hate them sometimes." Aubrey said smacking her lips.

"Me too!" I folded my arms over my chest.

JaMarcus left his phone downstairs on the table, and know Aubrey and I nosey asses we wanted to look through it when it vibrated.

"Should we?" I whispered.

"Hell yeah!" She said going to grab it.

"Hey can't wait to see you tomorrow!  Be ready for the best date of your life :)" It read from some girl named Achaia Love.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Aubrey said turning red in the face.

"Girl......" Was all I could say, I was in total shock.

In my opinion Aubrey didn't really have the right to get mad. Because JaMarcus and her aren't even back together yet but hey she my nigga do I'm on her side.

She quickly stood up and was about to head upstairs before I grabbed her.

"No, don't do this." I looked into her eyes, trying to calm her down.

"Nah Devyn! Fuck it!" She pulled out of my grasp before sprinting up the stairs.

I heard yelling and hard punches before I went up there......



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