The love of us

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JaMarcus's P.O.V.- Dammion and I set the trap house on fire, then left.

I had to drive back to Shooter's trap house because Dammion was shaking, and kept mumbling words to himself.

"What happened?" I asked him when I noticed he was crying.

"I had to kill her." He let out a sigh

"Who?" I asked giving him my full attention

"Morgan." He cried harder.

Morgan was the name of Q's wife. She was a light skin, short, really pretty lady.

Shooter told us she was pregnant with twins.

We didn't expect her to be in the trap house but she was, I knew it was taking a tole on Dammion because not only was Morgan a woman but she was pregnant.  And she kind of reminds us of Devyn.

"Bro, its not your fault."

"Yeah the hell it is JaMarcus, I should have let her live!" He said putting his head in his hands.

"Then she would die anyway because Shooter would killl her, and you for not killing her." I said watching my words.

"You're right, but I just gotta think about it." Dammion said looking out the window.

"Well you better get yourself back together cause we're here." I said pulling into the trap house.

We explained to Shooter what happened, gave him the drugs, and he gave us our money.

We both got 500,000 then left.

"So are we flying back out tonight?" I asked Dammion since he is the one that delt with all that.

"Yeah, pack your stuff." He said throwing his shoes in a suitcase.

I felt bad for my nigga, he don't like killing people especially women.  We both rather just sell drugs.

Around 9 we were on the plane flying back to Los Angeles, we both just slept the whole way since over the past two days we didn't sleep at all.

                             *Next Day*

Devyn's P.O.V.- I woke up to 8 a.m. to see four missed calls, and twenty text messages from Dammion. They all said that he made it back and how we needed to talk so come to his house when I woke up.

I went to the bathroom and changed clothes. I wore a pink, gray, and white striped rumper, some white sandals, and my hair was curly down my back.

I decided to call Dammion to let him know I was on my way.


"Hello." He answered the phone

"Hey, I'm on my way." I said bagging out of my driveway.

He sighed "Okay." He sounded like he was nervous.

"Bye." I said hanging up the phone.

It took me no time to get to Dammion's house. I guess he saw me pulling up cause he came and opened to door before I got out of my Infiniti.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He said kissing me.

"I'm good you?" I kissed him back.

"I've been better." He walked up the stairs.

"What is wrong with you?" I followed him up.

"Sit down." He said once we were in his room.

He grabbed my hand "Babe, I have something to tell you." He looked into my eyes.

"What. " I smiled

"When I tell you this promise me you won't leave." He said rubbing my hand.

"Okay whatever." I was anxious to hear what he had to tell me.

"Well this weekend I wasn't in Texas, I was in Atlanta, well JaMarcus and I both were. We work for this guy named Shooter he owns trap houses and we have been working for him for a year now." He said looking me in my eyes, the look on his face was hurting me even more then what he was saying.

"What else?" I said, I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"This weekend we had to kill his enemy, and all the people that were there.  Including his wife and she was pregnant."

I couldn't believe he was telling me this! Dammion my Dammion was telling me this bullshit!

"What the fuck!" I said angrily, standing up.

"Babe calm down." He said trying to touch me.

"NO!  Don't you touch me you murderer how in the fuck can you live with yourself knowing you take innocent people lifes!" I pushed him in his chest.

I knew my words hurt him by the way he was looking, I saw hurt all over his face.

"I'm sorry. " He whispered.

"Fuck you, not only do you kill people, but you lied to me about it! I'm suppose to be the one you come to about everything!  I yelled, at this point I was crying my eyes out.

Dammion was crying with me."Babe, I'm sorry. That's all I can say." He tried to touch  me again.

"Fuck your apology! You know what fuck you!" I said wiping my eyes, and getting up to leave.

He grabbed me around my waist, and pulled me into him.

"Get the fuck off me!" I said pushing him off.

I ran out of Dammion's room and down the stairs.  He chased after me.

"So, are you beaking up with me Devyn?" He looked helpless.

"Hell I don't even fucking know anymore!" I got in my car and stormed off.

I figured Aubrey knew about it, and she lied to me too so did JaMarcus.

I just drove, not knowing where I was going. I just needed to clear my head.

Aubrey's P.O.V.- I was laying on my couch in my room eating Cookies -N- Cream ice cream, when I got a call from Dammion.


"Hello?" I said answering my phone.

"I told her."  He said jerking

"Told who? And what?" I asked putting my ice cream down.

"Devyn, I told her everything about everything." Dammion said.

"Soooo, your telling me you told my best friend that you and JaMarcus sell drugs and kill people for a living no a damn hobby!" I screamed into the phone.

I know eventually he had to tell her because I wasn't going to keep it a secret for much longer. But Dammion knows how Devyn is and once you lose her trust its hard as hell to get it back! Not only did he lose her trust but so did JaMarcus and I.

"Yeah." He spoke dryly.

"Where is she now?" I asked putting my leopard print Uggs on.

"I don't know, she was screaming at me and cursing we out then she left." He let out a big sigh.

"So did yall break up?" I grabbed my car keys.

"She said she didn't know anymore, but can you please come get me and go get JaMarcus so we can all go look for her?" He pleaded.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see any of us right now but yeah, and I think I know where she might be." I ran down my stairs.

"Okay." Was all Dammion said before he hung up.

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