The love of us....IS THIS IT....

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JaMarcus P.O.V.- Its been 2 days since I first found out Aubrey was in the hospital, I haven't went to visit her since either. I know she good though cause I've talked to Dammion and Sarah a couple times. She's still in a coma but the doctors say she should be okay, she just gotta wake up. Devyn has been trying to talk me too, but I just feel like fuck that shit! So fuck her I guess...

"JaMarcus!" My mom called out to me

"Yeah ma?" I answered yelling back.

"Devyn's on the phone, since you won't answer her calls on your cell phone." He sighed.

"Yeah,and?" I said Devyn has been pissing me off with these calls, I know she knows I'm still pissed off at her.

"JaMarcus Reshard Meekins, I did not raise you to act that way." My mom said yelling at me.

I just sighed and walked out the door, I really don't know where I was going but it was somewhere.

After about 20 minutes of driving around clearing my head I ended up back in our subdivision at Dammion's house.

"Wassup B?" Dammion said dapping me up as he answered the door.

"Nothing, trying to do right." I sighed in frustration.

"Yeah bro, It will get better man." Dammion said nodding his head.

I looked down "I sure hope so."

"Aye JaMarcus, Devyn told me she been calling you." He smirked. We were playing NFL 4 against each other.

"Yeah bro, no disrespect you know I love Barb, but that shit she did was wrong and I just don't got anything to say to her right now." I said annoyed.

"Yeah I get that but yall need to talk or something, all day all I hear is "Babe, I miss JaMarcus or "JaMarcus is still mad at me he won't answer my calls." We both burst out laughing since that's exactly how Devyn talks.

"Nigga, I miss my sis too its just to much." I said after we stopped laughing.

"Yeah I know, I can tell". He said pressing controllers.

"How?" I asked curious

He sighed "Just can nigga, now watch I beat your ass in this game." He raised his voice

"Hahaha, okay nigga." I just laughed.

Devyn's P.O.V.- I was watching t.v. and eating ice cream when I got a text from Dammion.

Babe :) - Hey bae, come by my house JaMarcus over here and he wanna talk to you.

Me- Okay.

I decided to put on some clothes because knowing Dammion and JaMarcus we would probably go somewhere after we talked.

I put on some bleached blue jean shorts, a white cropped t-shirt with a red pocket and my red retro 4's. My hair was done so I left it like that. I grabbed my keys to my Infiniti and left out the door.

When I drove up to Dammion's house him and JaMarcus were sitting outside in the back of his mom's Audi SUV.

"Hey babe." Dammion said walking up to me hugging me.

"What's up nigga?" I said laughing.

"Devyn wtf." He said laughing at me too.

"Hey JaMarcus." I said since he hadn't said anything to me the whole time I've been here, and Dammion said he wanted to talk.

He just nodded his head and that pissed me off.

"Look JaMarcus I'm fucking sorry and you would know that if you would pick up your damn phone!  I've tried several ways to apologize to you and you just ignore them. If you don't want to talk to me, or be my brother anymore then fuck it and fuck you too!" I said in his face rolling my eyes.

Dammion just sighed then spoke "I'm tired of yall shit, its either yall put it in the past and move on, or say fuck it and do the shit y'all doing.

We both looked at JaMarcus stubborn ass since its his decision.

"Devyn I accept your apology but it will take me some time to get over what you did cause you know how I am about Aubrey." He said pulling me into a hug.

I got my brother back!

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