The love of us

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Dammion's P.O.V.- I woke up to a snoring Devyn, and Lil Noah had his arm across my face, and legs in my back.

"Damn, he sleep bad as hell." I said to myself.

I couldn't take it any longer so I picked Lil Noah up and carried him to my bed, he was still knocked out.

"Where did Noah go?" Devyn whispered when I got back in the bed.

"He was sleeping bad so I put him in my bed." I pulled her into me.

"Alright, what time is it?" She asked looking up at me.

I looked at my watch "7:15"

"Okay." She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

I just watched her, her beauty, her movement, and everything else. I know that's crazy but I couldn't help it. Devyn is everything I want in a female and everything I need.

I heard the toliet flush, I knew Lil Noah would be coming back in here in no later than five minutes.

I was right "Jah'mall I'm hungry." He stood by the bed.

"Alright, go put your shoes on." I said getting out of the bed.

"Devyn, Lil Noah and I are going to McDonald's.  Do you want anything?" I asked her, speaking into her ear.

"Bring me some chicken nuggets." She said rolling over.

I chuckled "My babe tired."

She just waved her hand.

"Fuck that bitch!" Lil Noah sang, while we were on our way to McDonald's

I couldn't believe his lil ass knew the song or the lyrics "Lil Noah, don't curse."

"Okay don't tell my mama." He pleaded with me.

I laughed "I'm not going to tell your mama,but don't say that again.

"Yes sir." He put his head down.

"Aye, don't call me no sir. You know my name."

"Okay." He smiled.

Devyn's P.O.V.- I woke up when I heard my phone ringing it was Aubrey.


"Wassup." I said answering the phone.

"Devyn boo, I haven't heard from you since Saturday.  What happened when you called Dammion over?"

"Girl, you know what happened." I blushed.

"Yall fucked huh?" She laughed.

"Yeah, and Sunday we went to church. We've done a lot of stuff this weekend so I'll tell you about that tomorrow.

"Okay Devyn, Talk to you later. JaMarcus and I are going out somewhere." I could tell she was smiling hard.

"Alright, bye girl. Don't make no babies."

She laughed and hung up.

"Honeyyyy we're home!" Dammion screamed slamming the door.

I tried to act like I was still sleep when I heard his crazy ass stomping up the stairs.

"Oh Devyn!" He said busting in the room.

I closed my eyes tight when he jumped on top of me and starting kissing my neck.

"I know your not sleep but since you wanna play, I have no choice. " He laughed.

I heard his belt drop to the ground.

I opened my eyes a little bit to see this nigga stripping.

"Okay Devyn, Wakey wakey!" He said taking off his shirt, and then his pants.

Before I knew it the only thing he had on was his boxers.

"I'm about to take off these boxers in 3.....2....1......"

"Okay I'm up!" I yelled laughing at his stupid ass.

"I know, now go eat big hungry." He said kissing my lips.

"Put on some clothes." I turned up my nose.

"You know you like it." He smirked at me.

"Whatever." I blushed and went downstairs.

Noah was eating his apples from his happy meal "Hey D.D."

"Hey boo, wassup" I asked going over to the sink to wash my hands.

"Nothing, we got you a ten piece nugget meal." He smiled.

"Thank you then." I sat next to him.

I was opening my sweet-n-sour sauce when Dammion came down stairs with some gray sweatpants, a YMBMC black hoodie with red writing on it, some black Samoas, and of course a damn beanie.

"Babe what's up with you and beanies?" I asked him.

"I just like them nigga." He said looking at me upside my head.

"Awww, Jah'mall you said a bad word." Noah pointed his little finger at Dammion.

I laughed "Yeah you did."

"So did you in the car." Dammion looked over at Noah.

"Noooo don't tell her please don't tell her!" Noah shook his head.

"Alright Lil man its our secret." Dammmion chuckled opening his Sonic bag.

"Uggghhh!" I smacked my lips.

"What?" Dammion asked me, raising his eyebrows.

"You went to Sonic and didn't get me any cheesecake bit-" He cut me off by handing me a bag with cheesecake bites in it.

"Yeah, don't assume stuff." Dammion kicked my chair.

"Thank you babe!" I grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks.

"Fuck you." He said under his breath so Noah couldn't hear him.

It was 9:30 when we took Noah home and he cried his little eyes out.

"Come on Noah you have to go to school tomorrow and so do Jah'mall and D.D." His mama said trying to convince him to come in the house.

His mama is Elizabeth.

"Lil Noah quite all that crying big boys don't cry just because its time for them to go home. And we'll probably see you next weekend." Dammion sqwated down to his level.

"Okay, bye D.D." Noah came and hugged my legs."

Nope, See you later okay." I picked him up and hugged him tight.

"Okay, see you later." He gave me a high five before I put him down.

After Dammion and I said our goodbyes to Aunt Elizabeth we left.

"Did you have fun this weekend?" Dammion asked me getting on the freeway.

"Yes, but I'm so fucking tired." I yawned.

"Me too, and we got school tomorrow." He sighed.

"Fuck that shit!" I said causing both of us to laugh.

It was silent until we got to my house "Well, see you tomorrow babe." I said getting out off the car.

"Hold up, now you forgetting something." Dammiob grabbed my arm.


He poked his lips out and I laughed before kissing him.

"Bye bitch ass nigga!" I said before closing the door and running up to my house.

He rolled down the window "Fuck you!"

I laughed before going into the house.

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