The love of us

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JaMarcus's P.O.V.- I'm hurt as hell, Aubrey broke my damn heart. All she said was she felt more comfortable with us being JUST friends. But I really do think its something else, and to make matters worse girls are already blowing up my phone. Since Aubrey deleted our date out of her instagram bio.

I was looking through old pictures when I got a call from Barb.


"What is it Devyn." I said trying to sound like I was okay.

"JaMarcus, Aubrey is in the Hospital from what I know right now she's in ICU. Her mom called me and told me she tried to commit suicide." She cried hard saying every word.

"What the hell?" I said getting up, running down stairs.

"Yeah, its not looking to good so hurry." She said still crying.

"Okay, Barb I'm on the way!" I said hanging up.

When I got to the hospital, I saw All of Aubrey's relatives and her friends.

"Hey how is she?" I asked nervously.

"Hey JaMarcus, she's not doing to good, but my baby's a fighter I know she will pull through." Aubrey mom said blowing her nose into a tissue.

"Yes Ma'am she is a fighter." I said hugging Aubrey's Aunt Tina.

I saw Devyn and Dammion sitting in the corner, Devyn was balling her eyes out and Dammion was hugging her speaking in her ear.

"Hey yall." I said sitting down sighing.

"Hey bro, you good?" Dammion asked shaking my hand.

"Nah man to be honest this is to much to bear, damn we just broke up yesterday and now she tried to kill herself!" I spoke softly breaking down. 

"Bro everything is going to be okay, we all know how Aubrey is and she is a strong ass person! She's gone be okay. " He said shaking his head.

"Fuck this shit, It's my fault!" Devyn cried, jerking.

"Bae what do you mean its your fault?" Dammion asked, I was surprised he called her bae I didn't know they had it like that, but I didn't say shit I just wanted to hear what Devyn was talking about.

She showed us the message she sent Aubrey earlier that day.

"What the fuck!" Dammion said out loud making people look at him.

"I know, but I never thought she would do this." Devyn said jerking, trying to plead her case.

I was shocked, hurt, angry, worried, and thoughts were running through my head like crazy! I couldn't say shit, so I stayed quite.

"Devyn, basically this shit is your fault, You knew Aubrey was already over the edge, I don't really fuck with Aubrey like that but you know you're wrong!" He said screaming at her.

"I know, but she pissed me off." Devyn said putting her head in her hands.

"Really? Your best friend pissed you off, so you just decided to talk shit to her like that and you knew she was dealing with shit?" He asked her standing up.

"Yeah, but I never thought this would happen!" She answered standing up also.

"That is not the point Devyn!" He said walking off.

"No, don't leave." She said grabbing him, looking in his eyes.

He ignored her and just walked to tell Aubrey's family bye and he would be back later, then he came back over to us and dapped me and told Devyn to come on.

    Dammion's P.O.V.- To say I was pissed at Devyn was a understatement, She kept crying on our way back to her house I hated seeing her cry but fuck basically all this was because of her.

We pulled up to her house and went inside, she went to her room and I went to the room I was staying in. Devyn came in there and laid on my chest while I wached t.v. I didn't protest.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked looking at me.

"Hell yeah, but its done now so drop it." "All you can do is have hope." I said sighing not looking at her.

"Dammion, I'm sorry!" She said sounding like she was about to cry.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" "I'm not the one you need to apologize to." I said flipping through the channels on the t.v

"Because I know your mad at me, and I know I hurt you." She said sitting up.

"Oh." I said yawning

"Dammion look at me DAMN! I know I fucked up but I'm sorry, and I can't do anything about it!" She cried out loud.

"Babe quite all that crying." I said looking at her wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry." She said

"You good, just remember what you do does affect people." I said in a serious tone.

She kissed me and shook her head yes.

We just layed around for the rest of the day cause both of us were wore out.

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