The love of us

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Devyn's P.O.V.- "I'm not ready to go home." I said looking at Dammion.

"Me either." Aubrey yawned.

"Well, where do yall want to go?" Dammion laughed.

"Aubrey, have you called your mom?" JaMarcus said hitting her thigh.

"Yes, I told her I'm staying with Devyn tonight." Aubrey sighed.

"I want to go night swimming." I said answering Dammion's question.

"Oooooo, yes!" Aubrey said clapping her hands.

"Night swimming!  Mosquitos are bad my nigga!" JaMarcus said scrunching up his face. We all laughed.

"That will be fun." Dammion said smiling.

"Let's do it then." Aubrey laughed

"Who's house?" I asked.

"Mine." JaMarcus said.

"Okay, Aubrey and I have to go to my house to get bathing suits then we'll be over there." I said taking my shoes off.

"Nigga, please put them shoes back on! Nobody wants to smell those Fritos!" JaMarcus said laughing.

"Haha fuck you bro." I laughed even harder.

"I'm just playing." He said touching my shoulder.

The ride to my house consisted of us singing old Z-ro songs. No matter how old those songs are we will always love Z-ro.

"Okay we will be over there in about 20 minutes." Aubrey said getting her bags out the van.

"Umkay." Dammion said backing out my yard.

"Which one do you want to wear?" I asked Aubrey laying out all my bathing suits.

"This one." She said picking up a yellow bow top, which came with leopard print bottoms.

I picked out the same swim top but it was red with leopard bottoms.

We took a picture once we were changed and I made a collage of all our picture we had taken throughout the day. The caption said "My best friend? More like a twin sister, I love my Aubrey Nicole Hampter." With a couple emojis after it. We went downstairs into my garage and hopped in my pink Infiniti.

"Yall with all this damn Leopard!" JaMarcus said when we got in the pool.

"Shut up!" I said before I went to over where Dammion was in the pool.

He was on the edge of the pool, he had his back to me and was looking at his Instagram.

"Babeeeeee!" I said kissing his back.

He smiled "Yes?" He said putting his phone down, and turning around.

"I haven't kissed you all day." I said wrapping my arms and legs around him.

"I know." He said putting his hands under my butt for support and poked his bottom lip out giving me a sad face.

I laughed "I love you."

"I love you too, witcha short ass." He said laughing.

I just looked at his handsome face, I couldn't help it.

"What the hell are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?" He asked

"No, your perfect." I smiled

He blushed "Well thank you babe."

"Awww I made you blush!" I said kissing his face.

He smacked his lips and did something I totally wasn't expecting.

This nigga dropped me in the damn water, he better we glad I can swim.

JaMarcus has a deep ass pool too!

When I came back up Dammion was laughing his ass off.

"Oh so you think that's funny? You got my hair wet and shit! You're going to think this is real funny then!" I said playing mad.

"We're over, fuck you Dammion!" I said getting out the pool.

"What!  Babe nah I-"

That was all he could say before I pushed his ass in the pool.

Now that was some funny shit!

He came back up almost immediately after I had pushed him. "Oh, you're going to pay for that!" He said jumping out the pool.

"Babe nooooo!" I said running around the pool and his ass was chasing me."

"Okay, I'm sorry!" I said still running.

"Nope, fuck that my nigga! He said still chasing me.

I had to get somewhere I knew was safe so I ran to his mom's van.

When I got in I made sure I locked all the doors.

"Ahhhaaaaa!" I said sticking my tounge out at him.

"Babe I think you forgot something." He said laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I have the keys Dumb ass!" Dammio said running to go get them.

"Damn!" I was stuck.

He unlocked the doors and threw me on his shoulder.

I was laughing and screaming but he didn't stop running.

"He jumped in the pool.

"Okay so we're even now." I said wiping my eyes.

"Yes." He smiled.

"That was fun." I laughed.

"Yeah, it really was he said picking me up so I could wrap my legs back around him."

"Y'all are crazy!" JaMarcus said.

Him and Aubrey had been watching the whole time, laughing.

"I see you changed your belly button ring." Dammion said whispering in my ear, sending chills throughout my body.

"Yeah, you broke the one I had in. Remember?" I blushed.

"Yeah, when we were fuc-."

"Shut up!" I said cutting him off.

He smacked his lips "What was that?" He said sticking his hand hand in my swimsuit bottoms.

I let out a quiet moan causing Dammion to laugh.

"Stoppppp, not in JaMarcus's pool." I said putting my head on his shoulder, I really didn't want him to stop though.

"You right, but you just wait." He said taking his hand out of my bottoms and kissing my cheek.

We all played games with each other, we even did swimming races, and had a water ballon fight.

"Bye babe, I'll talk to you later." Dammion said grabbing me and picking me up.

It was 4 in the morning and we were all tired so we decided to call it a night.

"Okay,love you." I kissed him

"Love you too." He said slipping his tounge in my mouth.

He put me down and went to say bye to Aubrey.

"Bye big head!" I said hitting JaMarcus in his chest.

"Bye Barb!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Take care of my babe." He said pointing to Aubrey who was dapping Dammion.

"Will do." I said walking to my car.

After JaMarcus and Aubrey hugged and all. She came to the car.

When we got back to my house, we both took showers and of course washed our hair and went to sleep.

The love of usWhere stories live. Discover now