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"That counts as another win." Mark says raising his arms in the air. Mark spent the day with the grumps recording and catching up since the past couple of days he was spending whith his boyfriend Jack. Everyone knew they were a couple and didn't mind. They were actually happy for them. The game was currently paused as the grumps were doing the outro for Guest Grumps. Mark felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He pulls out his phone and turns it on looking at who texted him. Marky when you get home I might be asleep, but have fun recording. Love you.

He read the text and responded ok and said I love you too and slid his phone into his back pocket again. They play for a little longer then order some pizza and just hung out at the office. "Well guys thank you for everything, but I have to get back home to Jack." He waves goodbye and grabs his keys and jacket and walks out the door as everyone says and waves goodbye to him.

He walks into his car and pulls out his phone texting Jack again. I'm on my way home. Sorry if I woke you up. He puts his phone back and starts the car. He gets to the house and walks in closing the door softly making sure not to wake up Jack. He puts his keys on the counter and throws his jacket onto the back of the couch as he places his shoes next to the door. As he walks to the shared bedroom he throws off his shirt. He walks into the dimly lit bedroom seeing Jack laying in the bed with his back facing Mark. He slips off his pants throwing them into the laundry basket then getting into bed with Jack.

He lays on the bed sighing and puts his phone on the table plugging it into his charger and then closes his eyes happy he didn't wake Jack. As he was about to fall asleep he felt Jack scoot closer to him and lay his head on Mark's chest. "Im glad you made it home." Jack says with his eyes still closed. "Im glad our not fully asleep." Mark says wraping his arm around Jack's neck and holding his hand rubbing the back of Jack's hand with his thumb. Mark grabs his phone opening his camera lifting it up to show him and Jack. He takes the picture forgetting the sound wasn't turned off. "Why did you take a picture?" Jack asks opening his eyes slowly and lifting his head to look at Mark.

"Because I wanted a picture of my beautiful angel. Now relax and get some sleep." Jack rolled his eyes and layed his head back on Mark's chest. "Im not an angel i've told you this thousands of times." Jack said closing his eyes. "And I've told you thousands of times that you are an angel to me and no matter what you say you always will be." Jack smiles and shakes his head. "I love you ye big doof." He says laughing. "I love you too clover." He says kissing the top of Jack's head then falling asleep.

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