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Thank you to SweetieBell_Love123 for suggesting this.

Trigger warning suicide and cutting and the use of the word fag.

Jack and Mark sat on the couch cuddling and watching tv when Jack spoke up. "I'm bored. Want to play some games?" He asked looking at Mark. "Sure go pick a game." Jack stood up and walked over to the games beside the tv. He looked through them and picked GTAV. He put the game into the xbox and grabbed two remotes. He walked back over to Mark and handed one of the remotes to him and sat next to him.
After a while Mark kept kicking Jack's ass in the game. "I give up." Jack said placing the remote on the side next to him. He crossed his arms across his chest fake pouting. Mark laughed and wrapped one arm around Jack. "Don't be mad that I can beat you multiple times." Mark said kissing Jack's cheek laughing. "I need to go get some air." Jack said patting Mark's leg standing up.

"Alright be careful love you." Mark said resuming to the game. "Love you too." Jack said grabbing his jacket. He walked out the door and walked down the sidewalk.
He walked down a couple blocks from there house and was about to turn around and go back home when two girls and a guy pushed him against the wall. "Where you going fag?" She asked smiling and making the other girl and the guy laugh. "Leave me alone." Jack said trying to get out of her grip.

She pinned him against the wall and made him hit the back of his head. Jack closed his eyes and started to cry. "Awe is little fag going to cry?" She asked as the other girl punched his stomach. Jack fell to the ground crying as they beat him.

They continued to kick and punch him as Jack cried. They continued to call him names and took his wallet and phone.
They finally stopped beating him and left with his stuff. After he realizes they had left and caught somewhat of his breath, He stood up and started to limp home. When he was walking home people would purposely bump into him. Some people would laugh and call him names.
He finally saw his house and got a little happy. He walked to the door and opened it. He didn't see Mark on the couch, but with the tv on. He limped upstairs into the bedroom. He saw Mark sitting in bed with his laptop on his lap. He looked over to Jack and just went to back to his laptop.

"M-Mark. I need help." Jack said trying not to fall from the pain in his legs. "Why would I want to help a disgusting guy?" Mark asked getting out of bed with his laptop and walked out of the room. "Where are you going?" Jack asked turning around walking to Mark down the hall.

Mark turned around looking at the injured Jack standing down the hall holding his arm against his stomach. "A place where you are not." Mark said turning back around walking downstairs and out of the house.

~~~ Couple weeks later ~~~

Mark had left Jack a week before and Jack had been dealing with it very poorly. Jack had cut multiple times on his wrists resulting in scars. Friends have tried seeing if he was okay by going over to his house, calling and texting him, but Jack never answered and never let them in.

~~~ A month later ~~~

Jack was still upset about the break up and started to drink more. The only person that he had talked to and had allowed into his house was Felix. He tried helping Jack out of the depression he was in, but Jack just denied that he was ever going to be happy again. A couple days after Felix had left Jack walked over to his bedside table and opened the top drawer seeing the gun and magazine neatly sitting there.

He grabbed both and pushed the magazine into the gun. He grabbed his phone and sat in the middle of his bed. He set the gun to his side and turned on his phone. He clicked on Mark's number and started to type. Mark I know you hate me, but before I make this choice I just want to tell you I love you and I'm sorry for everything. He sent the text and set his phone next to the gun.

He sighed looking down at the gun. He took the gun in his hand as his phone lit up. He saw Mark's name appear on his phone and ignored it knowing it would be him telling him to leave him alone. He pulled the gun to the side his head.
Jack took in a deep breath sitting up. He looked around the room seeing he was sitting in his bedroom with the lights still on. He looked beside him and saw Mark laying beside him asleep with his arms laying on where Jack just was. He saw his eyes open and looked up at Jack.

"What are you doing up?" Mark asked placing his hand on Jack's thigh. Jack laid back down as Mark wrapped his arm around his waist scooting closer to him and laying his head on his other arm. "Just had a bad dream thats all." He responded sighing a bit.

Mark scooted closer to him and placed a small kiss on his neck. "You okay?" Mark asked closing his eyes. "Yea. Thank you for asking." Jack said staring at the ceiling. "No need to thank me love." Mark said with tiredness in his voice. Jack sighed and Mark noticed he wasn't going to fall asleep soon.

He started kissing his neck rubbing his side. "No matter what your dream was about I'm here. Nothing is wrong and everything is fine." Jack looked over to Mark and smiled. "I love you Mark." Jack said as Mark opened his eyes looking into Jack's eyes. "I love you too princess." Mark said kissing him softly.

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