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Requested by Proxy_Creepy_Fan

I heard Mark scream from recording a new horror game. I laughed and continued scrolling through twitter while the tv continued to play. I turned off my phone and continued to watch tv. Some time passed and I checked my phone for the time. It read 12:09. I texted Mark asking if he wanted anything. I knew I shouldn't walk into the room as he was recording and have him worrying about editing it out and worrying about the fans knowing.

I didn't get a text back and shrugged my shoulders. I put on my shoes and ran my fingers through my messy green hair and walked out the door with my keys and phone in hand. I got in the car and got a text back from Mark saying I'm starving so I'll have anything right now. Thank you love you. I smiled and replied back. I started the car and drove to Mark's favorite place. I ordered his favorite food and then my food. I drove out of the drive through and started my way home.

A couple minuets passed and I made it home. I walked up to the front door carrying the food and unlocked the door. I walked in jumping and almost dropping the food hearing Mark yelling in anger. I sighed and closed the door with my foot and walked over to the counter setting the food down. I set my keys down and took all the food out. I got silverware and placed it by the food. I left the food on the counter and walked upstairs to Mark's recording room.

I knocked on the door quietly opening the door slightly seeing Mark playing the game with his headphones on. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He took his headphones off turning his chair looking up at me. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap while he pressed his lips onto mine. I sat in his lap and wrapped my hands behind his neck pulling closer deepening the kiss.

I felt him buck his hips and started to grind on me making me moan into the kiss. He stopped and pulled away from the kiss looking into my eyes. "I missed you." He said smiling. I laughed and covered my smile with my hand. "I was gone for just a couple minuets." I said placing my hand back behind his neck. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again passionately. He slipped his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch making me moan slightly.

I started grinding slowly moaning more. I broke the kiss and got off of Mark's lap. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat smirking. I let go of his hand walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I heard Mark walk into the kitchen and felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head rest in the crook of my neck leaving little kisses. I grabbed my food and turned around facing Mark. "Go get your food if your starving." I said smiling. He smiled back and gave me a little kiss and let me go.

Time skip

Mark sat on the couch as I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled the blanket on top of us. He was picking a movie and I got bored and pulled out my phone. I opened twitter and scrolled through. I noticed a popular hashtag on Twitter saying #septipliercanon. "Hey Mark look at this." I say nudging him making him look down at me. I clicked on the hashtag and scrolled through it. I kept scrolling through them and reading them.

I accidentally went past a picture and went back up clicking on it. It was a picture of me sitting on Marks lap with us making out with the game in the background. I looked up at Mark with a shocked expression. "Where did this come from?" He asked loudly sounding mad. "You apparently didn't edit that part out, but they were bound to find out about us." I took my phone back and continued scrolling through finding pictures of me grinding on him and other pictures of us starring into each others eyes smiling like dorks.

"Your right they were bound to find out." He lays back on the couch and relaxes. I close twitter and turn off my phone setting it on the couch next to me. "Now that I'm thinking about it. I'm happy I left it in." He says grabbing the remote and kissing the top of my head.

Septiplier One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora