A/N I have to say something

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I'm sorry about the authors notes, but I have to say something. If you are going to read my stories and you see a mistake I made it's totally fine to point it out, but if you want to be a dick and make fun of my mistake don't fucking do that.

Be nice about it. I have had comments in my stories where I made a mistake and then people pointed it out using a joke. If you point it out to me nicely I will be nice to you and say thank you and I'll fix it. I have had and incident where I fucked up and the way I found out was one person making a joke about it and it was funny, but when I saw the comments beneath it they were adding onto it and laughing.

If you do that It lowers my self-esteem a lot..........which......surprise surprise is one reason why I'm insecure about EVERY SINGLE THING I write and why I am still choosing to either stop writing or not. I have gotten rid of chapters because of it. One chapter that I got rid of was the Angst, Fluff, Smut one and I'm not putting it back up and I'm not sorry. Another one I got rid of was in the smut book the Roommates one.

So if it continues happening and if it gets worse I will be getting rid of more chapters and/or the whole book. I only wanted to address this because it has happened today and honestly im fucking tired of it.

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