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Warning: Cutting is involved so I'm warning you now

Jack was home alone sitting in his and Mark's bed in the quiet and dark room. He never loved you. Your to loud and annoying to be liked or even loved. The thoughts kept coming and wouldn't leave. He pulled his knees closer to his chest sitting up and pressing his back against the headboard. He hid his face into his knees crying harder. He rocked back and forth trying to calm his self, it didn't work. Mark had gone on a trip to his mothers for a family get together. He knew Jack had bad thoughts constantly.

He insisted Jack to come with him, but Jack refused and said that he would be a bother. Mark disagreed and gave up on trying to get Jack to come with him. Jack looked over to his left and remembered what he left in the top drawer in the bathroom. He wiped some tears away and sniffled shuffling out of bed and walking over to the bathroom. He got to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He leaned on the door for a moment crying more and rethinking his decision. He wiped more tears away and sniffled walking to the drawer.

He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small razor he hid from Mark. He walked back over to the door and leaned his back against it. No wonder why he left you. You look disgusting. He cried harder and lifted his shirt showing his stomach. He hated the way he looked. He hated everything about him from his appearance to his personality, he hated it all. He started to slide the razor against his stomach making him flinch from the pain. This wasn't the first time he had cut, but it was the first on his stomach.

He made a few more then gave up and sat there in pain. He heard Mark call his name from the hall. He gasped and quickly stood up putting away the razor. He cleaned his self up and pulled down his shirt making sure he wasn't bleeding through his shirt. "Sean?! Baby where are you?" He heard Mark call from the bedroom. Jack unlocked the door and opened it slowly. He looked down on the floor while walking out of the bathroom. Mark turned around and looked over to Jack with worry.

"Sean what's wrong?" He walked closer to Jack with open arm's and pulled him into a hug. Jack started to cry into Mark's chest wrapping his arm's around Mark's waist. "Shhh Shh. It's ok." Mark says rubbing circles on Jack's back. He picks Jack up and walks over to the bed sitting on the edge setting Jack in his lap still rubbing his back. It took a couple minuets for his breathing to get back to normal and his crying to stop.

"Are you ready to talk?" Jack nodded slowly and looked up at Mark. He looked back down fiddling with his fingers. "I-....The thoughts...they came back.....and they were worst this time." Mark lifted Jack's chin with his finger and kissed his softly. "You aren't hurt are you?" He asked pulling away from the kiss and looking into Jack's blue eyes. Jack looked down avoiding eye contact with Mark. "Let me see your wrists." He holds out his hand waiting for Jack. He pulled out his arm and pulled on his sleeve revealing old cuts and no new red cuts.

He pointed at Jack's other wrist and  Jack did the same thing showing old cuts. "Did you?" Jack nodded his head still avoiding eye contact and putting his arms down on Mark's lap. "Where?" Jack took a deep breath and lifted up his shirt slowly closing his eyes. Mark frowned and grazed his fingers above the multiple cuts making sure no to hurt him. "Why didn't you call me?" He asked looking up at Jack. He shrugged his shoulders keeping his head down.

"Take off your shirt and lay down." Jack looked up at him confused, but followed what Mark had said. He laid down on the bed covering his face in embarrassment. Mark hovered over Jack and placed soft kisses on Jack's cuts. He flexed his stomach from the kisses. Mark looked up scared he hurt him on accident. "Are you ok?" Mark asked looking up at him. He nods his head leaving his face covered. Mark smirked and continued placing kisses on Jack's stomach saying sweet stuff between kisses.

"You know I love you right?" He places another kiss. "Your so beautiful." He kisses his stomach again. "Your laugh is super adorable." He starts kissing up his stomach and chest. "Your so cute when you get excited." He starts getting closer to his lips. "And the thing I love most about you is your face. There is nothing bad about your face. Your smile lights up a room and I can easily get lost in your eyes." He moves Jack's hands away from his face and kisses him softly smiling.

They break the kiss and Jack laughs shaking his head. "Thank you for making me feel better markimoo." He says smiling. "No need to thank me princess." He lays on Jack's side wrapping his arm's around Jack kissing his forehead.

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