The wedding

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Thank you to plaurinec for suggesting this.

Mark stood at the beginning of the small woods waiting for Jack to show up. He saw a car pull up into the parking lot. Jack walked out and Mark smiled walking over to him. Jack smiled and walked towards him bringing him into a hug. The photographer walked out and saw them hugging and took a picture. "So, you guys ready for the pictures?" He asked looking at the couple. "Yea. We're ready." Mark said pulling away from the hug fixing his tux.
Jack was in the limo trying to contact his soon to be husband. "Hello?" He heard Mark's deep voice on the other line and smiled. "Hi. Are you ready?" Jack asked looking out the window fixing his green bow tie. "Yes I'm ready. Listen I have to go. See you later, love you." Jack sighed and looked in front of him. "Okay love you too. See you when I get there." He hung up and put his phone into his inside pocket.

He finally got to the bridge and walked out of the limo seeing Mark standing there facing him smiling. Mark wore a tux with a red bow tie and white dress shirt. Jack wore the same thing, but a green bow tie. Everyone turned around and stood as Jack walked up to the bridge. Felix stood between them seeing them smiling and looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to join Mark Fischbach and Sean Mcloughlin in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two men present now come to be joined." Felix said holding his hands. "You may now kiss your husband."

Mark swept Jack off his feet kissing him passionately as everyone clapped and cheered them on. Jack smiled through the kiss as Mark set him back down.
Mark and Jack sat at the head table as Jack laid his head on Mark's shoulder. People walked over to their table congratulating them. "Mark I'm tired." Jack said whispering into Mark's ear. "We are going to leave soon don't worry." Mark whispered back and kissed the top of his head.

Jack sighed and closed his eyes getting comfortable on Mark's shoulder. "Let's have the lovely couple come up here and dance." The singer of the band said pointing to the Mark and Jack. "Come on. Let's go dance." Mark grabbed Jack's hand standing up dragging him to the dance floor.

They made it to the floor and Mark grabbed Jack's hand wrapping his other arm around his waist pulling him closer to his chest. The band started playing a slow song as Mark and Jack swayed to it. Jack laid his head on Mark's shoulder hiding his face in the crook of Mark's neck. They swayed back and forth enjoying the moment.

The song ended and Jack backed away a little opening his eyes a little smiling up at Mark. He laughed seeing Jack so tired and brought him into a soft kiss. Everyone cheered and got back onto the dance floor.

Mark grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him out of the crowd. He turned around and pulled him closer to his chest. "You ready to go beautiful?" Mark asked whispering into Jack's ear. "Yea. Can you carry me?" Jack asked looking into Mark's eyes. He rolled his eyes and laughed picking up Jack.

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