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Thank you to ThatGirlyGamer247 for suggesting it.

Mark was out with the grumps recording extra videos. Jack sat at the couch watching tv waiting for Mark to get back home. He laid down on the couch about to fall asleep when two figures appeared in front of him. He immediately sat up backing up on the couch. The figures looked at each other then to Jack. They grab a black bag and duct tape. They place the tape over Jack's mouth then the bag over his head. They tied his hands behind his back and hit the side of his head making him black out.
Jack woke up lifting his head. His vision was blurry at first, but his vision soon came clear. He tried looked around the room, but all he saw was darkness. He tried screaming out for help, but it only came out as a muffled scream from the cloth in his mouth. His arms were tied around the pole behind him and his legs were stretched out in front of him. He kept trying to scream for help them his throat started to hurt. He started to cough and cry a little realizing it was useless.

A figure appeared in front of him in the dark. He saw the outline of the figure and tried to back away, but failed. He felt tears starting to fall down his cheeks. The figure walked into the light and Jack saw what looked like Mark. "Mar?" He asked through the cloth. "I'm not Mark. Now go back to sleep." He said hitting the side of Jack's head again making him black out.
Mark was at the grumps trying to get a hold of Jack. He kept trying to call and was always sent to voicemail. He kept sending multiple texts not getting a response. He stood up from the couch placing his phone in his back pocket.

"I'm sorry guys, but Jack isn't answering my texts or my calls I have to go check on him." Danny and Arin understood and said they can finish up the episode. Mark walked out of the recording room and said goodbye to everyone and walked out of the building. He got into his car still trying to call Jack.

He finally made it to there house and quickly walked out of the car and walked into the house. He saw the tv still on and everything else looking like no one had touched it. He ran upstairs and checked every room not seeing him anywhere.

He walked back down stairs and saw Jack's phone on the couch. He walked over to the couch and sat down with Jack's phone in his hands. He turned on the phone and saw all the messages and calls Mark had left him. He scrolled through all the messages and saw one in particular that caught his eye.

He opened the text and it read Mark I know you are going to read this when you realized Jack is gone. Well don't worry you can have him back if you pay 1,000. Don't bother trying to find us you won't. Just come to the alleyway behind your house by tonight and your precious Jack will be perfectly safe. Mark started to get angry, but couldn't find another way to help Jack. He sighed and got his car keys and drove to the bank.
Jack woke up once again in the same place. His vision was soon fixed and now saw two figures standing in front of him. One looked like Mark and the other looked like him. He felt his blood drip down his head as his eyes started to fill with tears. "Oh shut up." Dark said smacking Jack. Anti was checking the message he had sent Mark telling him what to do and saw that he had read it.

"Good Mark knows what to do." Anti said smirking at Jack. He bent down in front of him and Jack looked at him angrily. "If Mark doesn't do what we said, which I doubt he will. You will be with us forever and it won't be that long." He laughed and stood back up as they walked away. Jack cried as they walked away hoping Mark will come.
Mark stood in the alleyway behind his house with his and Jack's phones in his back pockets with the money in a bag. He saw a car drive up with it's headlights on blinding Mark. It stopped and turned off the headlights leaving the lamp posts from the street to light up the night.

Two figures walked out of the car and one went to the backseat while the other walked up to him. He walked into the light showing his face. "I should have known it was you." Mark said giving Dark the stink eye. "Well hello to you too." Dark said with an evil smile.

"Where the hell is Jack?" Mark asked angrily. Dark turned around as the other figure grabbed him out of the car and shoved him over to Dark. He had his arms tied around his back and the black bag over his head. "Now the money." Dark said holding out his free hand. Mark handed him the bag of money as Dark let go of Jack and walked back to the car.

They drove away as Mark quickly walked over to Jack lifting the bag over his head seeing his eyes red with tear stains on his cheeks and dried blood on the side of his head and duct tape over his mouth. He carefully took off the duct tape and saw a dirty cloth in his mouth. He took the cloth out and untied his hands.

His cheeks were all red and a little bruised. Mark brought him into a soft hug as Jack cried on his shoulder. "It's okay. I won't let them hurt you. I'm here." He whispered into Jack's ear rubbing his back.
They had made it back to the house and Jack laid down on the bed staring out the window. Mark was sitting at his desk next to the bed and looked over seeing Jack just laying there. He took off his headphones and set them on his desk.

He got off his chair and walked over to Jack. He got into bed and scooted behind Jack wrapping his arms around his waist. "It's okay i'll protect you." Mark said softly kissing Jack's neck. Jack let out a loud sigh and closed his eyes, but was just reminded of them making him black out. He shook in Mark's arms and opened his eyes. Mark felt him shake and held onto him tighter nuzzling into his neck.

Jack turned around and buried his face into Mark's chest. Mark gripped Jack's chin softly and made him look up at him. "It's okay." He said smiling a bit kissing his forehead. "I won't let those ass holes hurt you anymore." Mark said letting his lips linger on Jack's forehead.

"I won't let you out of my sight." He said kissing his cheeks. "You're safe now." Jack looked up at Mark smiling. Mark smiled back and pulled him into a kiss. "I love you Mark." Jack said as they pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too Sean."

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