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Thank you to SeptiplierequalsLife  for suggesting it.

Mark and Jack were invited to Felix's Halloween party. Mark sat on the couch while talking to Matt. He kept his eye on his boyfriend Jack while he talked to Felix. Everyone knew even though Felix and Marzia were together that he had a crush on Jack. Marzia was out getting more drinks when Mark gave Matt all his attention.

Felix leaned closer to Jack's ear grabbing onto his waist. "You want to go into the other room cutie?" Jack blushed as Felix backed away a little bit keeping his hand on his waist. He looked over to Mark seeing him talking to Matt. As he looked back over to Felix he was met with Felix's lips pressing against his. Jack wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him closer.
Mark and Jack got home. Mark was closing the door. He pinned him against the wall. He brought Jack into a heated and passionate kiss. He started to grind onto Jack making him moan into the kiss.

He started to kiss down his jawline and neck. He spread open Jack's legs and placed his knee close to Jack's erection. He started to grind on Mark's leg as Mark tried finding his weak spot. Mark grazed his tongue over his collar bone hearing him take in a sharp breath.

Mark smiled and started to suck and nip at his collar bone. "Ah~ Felix~" Mark heard Jack moan Felix's name and stopped sucking on his neck and pulled away his leg. "W-What did you just say?" Jack opened his eyes holding onto Mark's arms. "I...I ugh." Mark got out of Jack's grip and backed away even more.

"Did you just moan Felix's name?" Jack kept thinking of stuff to say, but couldn't think of anything. Mark runs upstairs into the bedroom slamming the door shut behind him. Mark leans his back against the door sliding down sitting. 'Why Felix? Why him?' His mind continued to race. "Mark I'm sorry. I need to talk to you." Jack pounded on the door hoping Mark would let him explain.

"You can explain while your on the other side of that door. Start talking." Mark shouted from inside the room. Jack leaned his forehead on the door and sighed loudly. "At the party Felix started to flirt with me. He kissed me." Mark swung the door open as Jack lifted his head with tears in his eyes. "You liked the kiss didn't you." Mark said with anger in his voice. He poked Jack's chest making him back up. "I-I was drunk. I wasn't thinking right." Jack started to choke on his words. "But you liked it didn't you?" Mark had pushed him far enough to hit his back against the wall.

Jack couldn't think of anything. "Did you even back away from the kiss?" Jack looked down closing his eyes shaking his head. Mark got even more mad and walked back downstairs. Jack knew what he was going to do and ran after him. "Mark don't do this." He grabbed onto Mark's arm. Mark stopped and turned around facing him. "First. Marzia needs to know about this. Second. Felix needs to get his ass kicked." He turned back around walking out the door.

Jack ran out after him. He caught up to him as he sat in his car. He got into the car as Mark was about to drive off. "What are you doing? Get back in the house." Jack buckled his seat belt shaking his head.

"I'm going to make sure you aren't hurt." Mark shook his head quickly. "No get back in the house. I'll deal with you later." Jack shook his head holding onto his seat belt. "I'm going with you if you like it or not." Mark sighed and gave up. He turned on the car and started to drive to Felix's.
They got to his house and Mark walked out slamming the door shut. Jack walked out and closed the door. He ran over to Mark and grabbed his arm. "Mark please don't do this. I'll take the punishment, just leave them alone." Mark got out of his grip and continued to walk to the front door.

They got to the front door. Jack kept trying to get Mark to stop and just go back home, but he wouldn't budge. Mark knocked on the door loudly waiting for someone to answer. Soon Marzia came to the door and opened it with a smile. "Hi guys. What are you doing here still?" Jack hid behind Mark not wanting to make eye contact with her.

Mark smiled as he placed his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry to bother you, but is Felix here?" Marzia nodded and let them in. "Seàn what's wrong? Why are you hiding behind Mark?" Mark turned around pushing Jack to his side. "He'd like to tell you something." He patted Jack's back as he looked to Mark scared.

"Ugh...well...F-Felix was sort of d-drunk." He looked down scared to go on. "Felix and Sean were both a little drunk and Felix kissed him and he didn't exactly push away." Mark finished as he looked over to Jack who was now looking down with his eyes closed.

Marzia had a mixture of shock and anger on her face. "Well I can talk to him tomorrow morning. When he's sober." Mark nodded his head as she lead them outside. "Marzia I'm so so-" His sentence was cut short when she slammed the door in their face.

Mark shrugged his shoulders and walked back over to the car. Jack sighed and hung his head low as he walked back to the car. They got back into the car and Jack kept his head down. He finally lifted his head up looking out the window in front of him. "Mark I just want you to know it didn't mea-" He was turning his head as Mark cupped his cheek and kissed him.

He was surprised at first, but soon melted into the kiss and kissed back. He grabbed onto Mark's arm as he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you and I don't want anyone else to have my baby boy." Jack smiled and brought him into another sweet kiss. "I love you too Mark. I really didn't mean for it to happen."

Mark placed his finger on Jack's lips making him stop before he continued. "Let's just go home." Jack nodded his head as Mark kissed him before sitting in the drivers seat turning the car on.

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