The Four Letter Word

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This One shot is by @MissJacksonkma  Thank you so much for taking your time to write it and allowing me to put it into this book.

Me and Mark have been together for a year and a half and we've never said the four letter word, ever. During the entire time we've been a couple the phrase I love you has never muttered past either of our lips.

We knew we L'd each other, but we've never said it out loud to one another. In public or in private. We'd give small hints in out eyes during a really romantic moment, but that's it. I know he L's me. I just don't think we have ever found it necessary to say it out loud when we both knew it.

Mark and I sat on the couch together watching the tv show Glee. I actually wasn't really sitting on the couch. I was sitting on Mark's lap wearing only my boxers and his lucky flannel. "Why the hell does Rachel have to exist like....Mercedes or Santana totally would've been better main characters. Rachel just pisses me off with her overly greedy and 'me me me' attitude. MR. SHUSTER GAVE TINA THE SOLO BECAUSE YOU'RE A GREEDY BITCH!" I fumed.

"Woah babe, calm down it's fine. You're fine. It's just a tv show." He soothed.

"I don't even think Finn loves her. He's never said it so ultimately I feel whatever relationship they may have had is out the window and down the street in a hot pink blaze of glory. To tell someone you love them is mandatory in a relationship if you don't say it, it may as well end!" I fumed again.

"Well babe maybe they don't say it out loud because they both know it." He suggested.

"No, I know Rachel wants to say it she just thinks if she moves too fast Finn won't want her anymore and end up going out with Santant." I argued. I felt this argument becoming a little more than Finn and Rachel.

He didn't respond so I dropped it and I guess he did too. But, after the conversation is when I leaned back into him that he tensed under my touch.

After another season of Glee. I started up again.

"Maybe Finn doesn't want to say it. Maybe...he doesn't say it because he doesn't feel that way about Rachel. Maybe he's just leading her along just to go back to Quinn in the end. Leaving Rachel alone, blowing in the wind."

"Are you saying Finch doesn't love Rachel?"

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying?"

"Are you talking about Glee anymore?" His voice level rising.


I felt myself being lifted from Mark's lap. He let me down gently, but the grip on my waist was harsh.

He was still facing the TV not speaking but avoiding eye contact. I suddenly found the buttons on his flannel incredibly interesting as I screwed around with them.

In the calmest voice I've heard he starts to speak.

"Sean William McLoughlin. How dare you question my love for you? I've loved you ever since I first time I saw you. From that point on my love for you only grew. When I first spoke to you I had to restrain myself from yelling from the rooftops how much I loved you. Eventually I couldn't hold it and asked you out and when you said yes...I already felt like the happiest man alive. Then you became my boyfriend and I felt like proposing then and there at that exact moment."

He finally looked at me , dead in the eyes. Tears streaking down his face. I felt horrible. My heart sank into my stomach. I felt tears falling down my face but wiped them away quickly.

"Now, because I've never gotten the chance to express my love and had to suppress it because you said you said that you weren't ready. You question it all. All of it, out the fucking window." His voice broke during the last sentence.

At this point I didn't care if i was crying I just let the tears roll down.

"Mark Edward Fischbach. I love you with the entirety of my heart. And I'll continue to love you to the ends of the earth till death takes us both. Then I'll continue to love you in the after life."

I jumped back into his lap facing him this time and started kissing him over and over again.

"I love you so much." I said in between kisses.

Eventually I settled on his lips and sat there until I felt my lungs about to burst from lack of air.

"So, are we ok? Are we clear that we love each other very very much?" I sighed happily.

"Ya. I think we are clear."

"Good because I really need to ask you something." He set me back onto the couch.

Every moment after that went in slow-motion. Him facing away from me. Taking his nervous deep breaths. Turning towards me with the sweetest, largest, most loving smile I've ever seen.

Him getting down on one knee.

Pulling out a small black velvet case from his pocket.

"Sean William McLoughlin. Love of my life. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

My eyes widened as he proposed. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Of course I'll marry you, you lovable bastard."

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