Chapter 3: Surprise?

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School is finally over, now I can go home!
We hopped on the bus and the bus driver drove off.
After about 15 minutes in the loud bus full of bad, yelling students, we finally arrived home.  We hopped of the bus and walked towards our houses.
"Bye Ari! Bye Bri Bri! See you tomorrow!" Latoya yelled waving as they walked across the street to their house.

"Bye!" Sabrina and I shouted back.
We walked inside the house:

and found my mom in the kitchen cooking, my two brothers, Dylan and Trey on the couch playing video games on the living room flat- screen tv with their annoying friends, William and Chris

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and found my mom in the kitchen cooking, my two brothers, Dylan and Trey on the couch playing video games on the living room flat- screen tv with their annoying friends, William and Chris.
William and Chris are really obnoxious and seem to hate me and my sister Sabrina. They would harass us and abuse us behind other's backs. They're mostly doing that to me!
I tried to tell my brothers, but they don't listen! Especially Dylan, Dylan hates me. He's the worst brother ever! I'd tell him something that happened to me and he doesn't care or listens to me, he wouldn't care if I died today, he wouldn't care if something serious happened to me. He doesn't really talk to us much, no "Hello" and no "Goodbye". And he's sixteen years old, a year older than Sabrina and two years older than me.

Trey is different, he's a cool, nice and a protective brother. He actually listens and cares what we say to him. He actually talks to us. My sister and I love him so much. It's sad that he's seventeen, by the time he's eighteen, he's moving out and when he moves out, we'll be stuck with Dylan, but I'm not really that worried because we have Mama too.

I walked towards the kitchen following the hot and delicious food and found her cooking fried chicken on the stove with macaroni on the other hot plate beside her cooking.

"Hey mama." I said.
She turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey sweetie." She smiled. "How was the first day of school?" She asked.

"It was kinda good." I replied. "Why are you cooking such a big meal?" I asked looking at the extra food in containers and some wrapped up in foil on the counter.

Mama smiled, "We're going to the Jackson's house to have dinner with the sisters and their parents."

I looked at her confused, "Why?" I asked.

"Because we got a surprise for you and Sabrina." She said flipping over a popping fried chicken.

"What surprise?" My eyes widened.

She smirked, "It's a surprise, I can't tell you." She giggled. "Now go on upstairs and wear something decent." She said opening the cabinet looking for sauce. "Do you have homework?" She asked.

"No ma'am." I said walking out of the kitchen.
I walked in the living room and Sabrina is watching the boys play their video game.

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