Chapter 59: Worst Christmas Part 2

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Ariel's POV

It's been thirty minutes after the huge humiliation that happened in front of my family.

Everybody's faces looked so disappointed and disgusted.

I wish I could've died on the spot right there.

I'm gonna stay in my room and never come out.

I'll stay here until I starve to death.

My life is over.

She already told my family now she's gonna tell everybody else and ruin my life. Now everybody is gonna turn their backs against me.

My family hates me now and I know damn well Prince is gonna break up with me.

I'm so embarrassed I don't even wanna be alive anymore.

My life is completely over...

I grabbed a sharp razor and sliced it across my arm making a few deep cuts. The blood seeped through the cuts and start to burn.

I cried even more, not because of the pain, it's because I hope to bleed to death and I know it's gonna be impossible because I made such little cuts.

I sliced my arm a couple more times, deeper and violently, making myself screech in pain.

I slammed my back against the wall and slid myself down until I hit the floor. I curled myself up and let my tears fall down my face.

I never imagined that Christmas was gonna end up like this.

All I wanted was a nice, peaceful holiday with my family and all I got to end the day is humiliation...

I heard a few knocks at my door, which startled me. The door knob wobbled as if someone was trying to break in. The door didn't open cause I locked it.

"Ariel open the door." I heard Trey's voice muffled through the door.

"Please l-leave me alone. I-I don't want to be bothered." I sobbed.

"Ariel please open the door I have to talk to you.." his voice sound serious.

I hurried across the other side of my room to find something that'll cover up my bloody arm. My heart paced, having mini panic attack as I struggled to find a towel in my room.

"Ariel open the door now I need to talk to you I'm serious." I heard Trey as he wobbled the door knob again.

"Wait!" I screeched while I looked under my bed.

I grabbed a white towel from under my bed and hurriedly wrapped it around my arm tightly. Then, I made my way towards the door.

"Ariel Open the-" I cut him off my swinging the door open.

"What do you want?!" I growled at him.

He walked passed me, walking straight into my room angrily.

"Excuse m-"

He cut me off by gently pushing me to the side, slamming the door shut and locking it without hesitation.

"You're not leaving this room until you tell me what's going on." He crossed his arms.

"No! Get out of here!" I cried as I punched his side.

Trey slapped my hand away, "Ariel something is up and you must tell me."

I sighed and looked down, "No Prince didn't get me pregnant if that's what you're thinking..."

"I know he didn't get you pregnant, Mama told me what happened and I'm pissed at the fact you didn't tell me..." he furrowed his eyebrows.

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