Chapter 56: She's Brainless

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Latoya's POV

Sabrina, Ariel and I went to Walgreens and came back with two pregnancy tests. We barely even talked about anything. I was crying the whole time thinking about how terrible my life will be if I'm pregnant right now.

My anxiety builds up every minute that passes by... I'm a minute closer to finding out that I'm pregnant.

Ugh. What am I saying? Latoya don't say that. You're not pregnant

They're making me do the pregnancy test...

I don't want to do it but I know I have to. I don't want to know that I'm pregnant. I want this out of my mind now.

Sabrina, Ariel and I walked upstairs to the bathroom door in a awkward silence right after we came in from the front door.

More tears rolled down my face as Ariel unwrapped the two pregnancy tests from her jacket and quickly handed it to me.

"Go and take the test and hide it somewhere cause Prince is still here." Ariel whispered.

I sniffed and slowly walked into the bathroom and locked the bathroom door.

I let out a big cry in my hands as I walked towards the toilet.

I better not be pregnant... my life is over if I am.

I sat on the toilet and did my business with the pregnancy test. I set it on the counter so I can wait five minutes for it to work.

If I'm pregnant... I'm screwed... but it shouldn't be my fault right?

Marcus is the one who caused this.

And William.... he made Ariel pregnant!

This can't be true.

Not my best friend!

Not me either! Joseph's gonna kill me, Mother and my siblings are gonna be so disappointed in me.

But in order for them not to get so mad at me, I have to tell them why I'm pregnant.

That's scary and hard. Everybody's gonna know and the spot light is gonna be on me. Then all of a sudden, it's gonna be all over the news.

My life is gonna change completely... it's gonna be so embarrassing if I'm pregnant.

I know how Ariel feels now about not telling anyone she's pregnant. I feel sorry and scared for her.

The thought of Marcus going to jail breaks my heart.

I don't want him to go but at the same time I'm mad at him because he keeps doing this to me.

He deserves to be in jail but I won't let him go. I don't think he knows better. He never really had a girlfriend before and I'm kinda his first girlfriend.

It was just my fault for letting him push me around like I'm his slave and not teach him how he's supposed to treat a girl. All I need to do is step up my game and stand up for myself and he'll be different and actually learn from what he's doing.

I love him. He's a good person but he makes bad choices like everybody else does.

If I'm pregnant, it's probably gonna be hard to forgive him but I'll still love him.

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