Chapter 54: He Did That To You Too?

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After I spent two nights at Prince's, his mother, Mattie, was nice enough to drive me home so that I'll have clothes to wear to school tomorrow.

It's sad leaving Prince's house.

We had a lot of fun... not that kind of fun thankfully but we had fun.

We pretended to go to school when we actually were going to the movies yesterday. We watched a scary movie in the theater and after that we went to the park that we went to as little kids and shared childhood memories.

We went back home and pretended we had homework to do and went in his room so that he can teach me how to play guitar.

I just wish that I can spend the night tonight but I really don't want to end up wearing Prince's clothes to school. His clothes don't stay on me.

I wonder how my mom is going to react when I come back home after not being there for three days and two nights.

The car stopped in front of the big house where I live.

"Alright Ariel. You be good and safe." Mattie smiled at me.

"Thank you Mattie." I smiled back at her.

I stepped out the car and walked to the front door as she drove off.

My heart begins to race as I held my fist up to knock.

I knocked softly and waited patiently at the door and prepare for a great slap in my face again.

The knob wobbled as it swung open revealing Mama wearing an apron and a mitten covering one hand.

She gasped surprisingly and yanked my arm pulling me inside harshly.

"Ariel! We've been looking for you everywhere! I called the cops and they've been looking for you too!" She raged as she slammed the door.

"Ariel's back?" I heard a voice far in the house.

"Where the hell did you go girl?!" She yelled angrily.

"I went to Prince's." I said quietly.

"All the way over there?! You could've got kidnapped based on how the world is today! Don't ever do that again!" She scolded pointing a finger in my face.

I stared at her with no emotion.

"Now I have to call the cops and tell them I found you! You could've gotten yourself in trouble!" She yelled as she stomped her way upstairs. "Trey get the chicken out of the oven for me please!" She added.

"You hear that? Don't do it again. I was worried about you Ariel." Trey furrowed his eyebrows.

"You shut the fuck up. You're not my dad." I spat.

"Well since we don't have a father and I'm the only man in the house, I have to fill in as your dad."

"You're not the only man in the house... Dylan-"

He cut me off, "Dylan is never here, he's not a man, he's a little sixteen year old boy who doesn't have respect for his sisters and mother. So I'm the man in the house." He pointed at his chest and walked away to the kitchen.

I'm bout tired of having arguments everyday with them. I just got in the house and they're already arguing and still mad at me after two days...

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