Chapter 6: Passing Notes...

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Gym class was... well gym. We had to stretch first, then the girls had to play volleyball and boys had to play basketball. We played for the whole period and changed back into our regular clothes.
Gladly, Kaitlyn and Tracey didn't talk to us after I kinda beat her ass. That lil cry baby went to the teacher and told.

Honey, you're like fifteen years old and you still tattle tell? Haha. Wow. I don't like snitches.

I didn't get in trouble though. Coach Williams just said not to do that again. He's a cool teacher, he doesn't really care.

After the bell rang, we had to go to our 2nd period. That means I have algebra class with Nia! So much fun! Except for the fact that it's algebra.
Nia and I quickly walked out of the gym before a lot of students rushed out of there so we wouldn't be trampled over and we went to our lockers.
Nia's locker is three lockers to the right of mine and her locker is decorated on the outside with a huge, sparkly purple "N" in the middle of it and pretty tiny lights and mirrors inside of her locker. My locker isn't decorated yet, it's just plain bright red like everybody else's and I don't know if I want to decorate it. It seems a pretty good idea to decorate my locker but I don't know if I have the time to.
I opened my locker and gently put my gym bag and backpack inside and grabbed a few pencils from the inside of my locker door.

"Hey. Uh. Ariel." Nia peeked from her locker.

I looked back at her, "Yeah?"

"I- uh gotta meet someone." She said quickly closing her locker. "If the teacher ask where I'm at, tell her I went to the office." She said walking away backwards.

Wonder who she's meeting...

"Wait, can you show me where-" She cut me off.

"I'm sorry I gotta go. I'll see you when I get back." She quickly said walking away.

"But I need you to show me where-" I sighed and closed my locker door.

Forget it, she can't hear me.
Now how I'm the world am I supposed to find this class?

I looked down at my schedule.... Algebra- Room: 116 - Ms. Steeley. I looked at my surroundings and I'm by a class that says "105".

I'm kinda close to my class, it's gotta be somewhere.

I sped through the halls, trying to get past the slow walkers in the middle of the hallways. I quickly scanned at the door numbers and hallway directions trying to find that stupid classroom.

*Ring* Ring*

Dang it! That's the tardy bell! I hate being tardy!
Ooh imma get Nia for this.

I sped through the hallways even faster trying to find my algebra class. I was staring at my schedule and running through the halls as fast as I could until I ran into someone and knocked some of his books down.

I gasped, "O-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I said quickly picking his books off the floor.

"No it's fine, you're good." His light and soft voice sounded familiar.

I stood back up and handed his thick algebra book and binder.

"Here you go, I should really watch-" I stopped and examined his face. It's Michael.

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