Chapter: 32 Opposite Relationships

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After spending three hours at the basketball game, Prince asked if he can stay at home with me over night so I let him. We went home with him and I took a shower and everything and put on pajamas and it starts raining really hard outside having me to feel lucky that we made it at home on time. I walked into my room and found Prince laying on my bed eating a bag of chips and watching the tv mounted on the wall. It looks like he changed his clothes too because now he has a white tank top on and different basketball shorts on.

It's kinda scary outside cause it's night time and its very dark, you might not know if a tornado is coming or not. It sounds like a tornado might be coming because of the heavy winds and rain but I don't know.

"Uh. Can we watch the news?" I ask him scratching the back of my head.

He looks back at me and chuckles.

"No. Why?" He shrugs watching me sit next to him on the left side of the bed.

"The weather is bad outside and I wanna know what's going on." My voice shook.

He chuckles again, wrapping his bag of chips down and putting it on his nightstand beside him. He looks back at me and shook his head.

"What? You scared?" He playfully gibed.

"No. I just wanna know how the weather is going." I excused.

"Cause you're scared." He assumed.

"Omg no Prince." I slapped his arm.

"Aww. She's scared." He pokes out his lip like a little kid.

"No I'm no-"


I jump and squeal from the loud sound outside and the lights flickering on and off, holding my legs to my chest.

"Okay! I'm scared!" I admit as he laughs at me.

"See. I knew it. Come here scary cat." He holds his arms out.

He pulls me closer to him and have me to lay on his chest while his arm is around my waist. He then turns his head back around towards the window and watch the wind blow the trees sideways and the rain harshly hitting the ground and bouncing off the roofs of the houses. The little kids outside ran inside their houses and some people are standing in their porches watching the rain.

He seems so calm just eating his chips and watching the trees almost break in half and the roofs probably about to break down because of the hard rain... The house is filled with the sound of hard rain hitting the roof and he's not scared???

Lighting filled the sky followed by a big loud thunder that shook the house and make me jump a little. Prince looks back at me and chuckles. I kinda got annoyed and roll my eyes at him.

"You wanna watch the news?" He smirks.

"Noo. I wanna watch SpongeBob." I sarcastically said. "Of course I wanna watch the news." I hit his arm.

He laughs and grab the remote off the nightstand and hands it over to me.

"You wanna watch the news?" Of course I do! There's probably like five tornados around! I don't wanna die!

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