Chapter 43: You're Gonna Get It

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•Lɑtoyɑ's թoѵ•

After I finished my lunch, Ariel and I left the cafeteria and headed to the bathroom so I can fix how I look.

It's the middle of the school day and my hair is already messing up and my makeup needs a little touch up.

"First I gotta fix my hair, then I gotta fix my makeup and probably change my shoes cause my heels are killing me." I listed what I need to do.

Ariel looked at my fifty dollar high heels I got from the store yesterday and smiled.

"You probably shouldn't wear heels to school. You know you're gonna be walking up and down the stairs, bumping into everybody, and rushing to class." She told me.

"Well, I wanna look good for school. Unlike you, who just snatch a shirt and pants out of the closet and put them on." I looked at her up and down.

"I told you, I'm sick, I don't feel like being fashionable and pretty. I dress how I feel." She explained.

"You're still sick?!" I gasped.

It's been forever since she's been well.

"Yeah. It'll go away soon."

"You need to go to the doctor, it's been almost almost two weeks. Right?"

"Yeah, I know. It's been a week I think. It happens every year. It just my body."

"I need to be taking care of you. You should let me stay over your house tonight." I playfully nudge her arm.

"You don't need to take care of me but you can stay over if you want." She smiled at me.

We walked into the restroom and I sat my backpack on the floor and took my makeup bag out and brush.

"But I'm your best friend. I have to take care of you. I'm not fake like some people I know." I cringed and opened the restroom door.

"What do you mean?" She chuckled.

"Nia. She's terrible she wants you to date William." I cringed at the name William.

I know William is probably a bad guy because I'm dating his Marcus. They're related so they probably act a little the same.

And Marcus kinda told me about William...

He always say that William is gonna do something bad to me if I don't let Marcus do some sexual things on me.

It's annoying and I really can't do anything about it. He's a strong guy.

"Yeah, I hate William. He's terrible." She watched me through the mirror brushing my hair.

"Why do you hate him?" I asked puzzled.

I really want to know about William.

"Why do you hate him and how do you know him?" I added.

She sighed and looked down. I kept brushing my hair until it was silent too long.

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