Chapter 52: The Truth Comes Out

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The rain slammed against the windshield aggressively while the window wipers swayed side the side quickly while Trey and I sat in the car in the middle of the crowded road filled with honking cars and cars moving very slowly.

Traffic... I hate it.

Especially at this time because ever since he picked me up from school, he's been yelling at me after he's been told by Latoya that I've been abused by William.

The only thing he would talk about is William and nothing else during thirty minutes in traffic and I can't stand a minute of talking about William. It makes me nervous.

"Next time, maybe you shouldn't be a dumbass and tell an adult what's going on with your life and you wouldn't have been getting abused for three years. Didn't you learn this in Elementary school?! To tell an adult if you're being treated badly?!" Trey continued yelling at me while slamming his fists against the wheel to honk at the car in front of him.

This is how I imagined it would be after they told him why I've gotten suspended.

He's mad and disappointed and I don't think he's ever gonna stop talking about William until he tries to stop William from abusing me.

"I'm gonna call William over and we're gonna end this shit now and he's gonna get a piece of me for abusing my sister!" He slammed the brakes and punched the wheel honking the car in front of him.

He switched to a lane that is clear and less cars and start driving fast until the red light.

"Trey, just please leave it alone. I don't want you to be hurt or be dead and I also don't want to be dea-"

He cut me off, "I don't want you to be hurt! You don't deserve to be treated like this! You don't have to worry about me! I ain't no baby and I can fight and I don't care if I got to jail or not! That nigga will learn not to abuse my little sister!"

Many cars behind us honked at Trey and many if them skipped a lane and drove off quickly to get from behind him.

I looked up and realized that the street lights is now green after waiting a few minutes in front of a red light.

"Go Trey! Stop yelling at me and watch the road! We'll talk about it when we get home!" I yelled pointing at the green light.

He groaned and slammed the gas pedal as the car zoomed through the lane and my seatbelt holding me tight so that I won't jerk forwards.

"Damn Trey! Slow down!" I shouted and slapped his arm.

"Oh shut up. I've been driving since I was fifteen years old. Don't tell me what to do." He mumbled.

"You've been driving since fifteen?! It don't seem like it cause you should know that green means GO and you're also heading towards a school zone and supposed to be driving twenty five miles per hour instead of fifty!"

"And you've been abused ever since twelve and you've known to tell an adult about abuse situations ever since you were in elementary. Maybe you should tell somebody instead of keeping it to yourself!" He snapped back switching the words that came out of my mouth.

Okay really stupid comeback.

"Look, we'll talk about this later." He mumbled and slammed the brakes once we arrived in front of the house.

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