Chapter 26: I Hate My Life

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Prince and I went to the park, chatted and play basketball together and chased each other for about a good two hours and now I'm exhausted. The boy runs fast man, faster than me. I tried to run as fast as him but it's impossible. Prince should be in track not basketball. Haha.

But anyway, Trey picked me up from the park to visit Mama in the hospital. She's in chemotherapy and she just had surgery a few days ago and she's in pain. More of her hair fell out and her head is completely bald. She's gotten weak, pale and she can barely walk so that leaves Trey in charge of Dylan, Sabrina and I at home.

Sabrina thinks just because Mama is in the hospital, she can have Jason over until she gets out and Dylan stays out of the house and go to parties.... Trey tells them to stop doing that but they never listen...

Trey only picked me up because Sabrina refuse to meet Mama because she's "sleepy" and who knows and cares where Dylan is at. I really don't know why they don't wanna see Mama. They think everything else is more important than a mother with cancer... Just horrible siblings. Sabrina is starting to be more disrespectful to Mama, Trey and I. Probably Dylan is teaching her his disrespectful skills.... She's so careless and she wants everything in the world and Mama still wants to throw her a birthday party and buy everything she wants. What a shame.

"Ariel, you're too young. Please break up with him. Mama said that you can date when you're eighteen and you're not even close." Trey said after I told him that I'm dating Prince.

"I know I'm too young but he won't do anything wrong to me." I shook my head.

"Yes he will, he will break your heart and leave you with a baby in your hands before you even turn eighteen." He rolled his eyes.

"He's not like that I promise." I put a hand on his shoulder.

He stopped at a red light and turned his head to me.

"How do you know?" He raised his eyebrow and slid his hands off the wheel.

"Because he's sweet, he's kind and he also told me that he's not a person that'll cheat on me."

"Just because he said that didn't mean it's true."

"He's an honest person."

"Didn't he date that other girl? Her name is Mia right? One of your friends.."

"It's Nia and yeah." I nodded.

"Why did they break up?" He asked.

"He told me that she cheated on him."

"Shoot Ariel, you might cheat on him someday because he's a bad guy." He looked back at the road.

"Haha. No I won't. He's not a bad guy." I chuckled.

"If Nia, Pia, Mia, whatever her name is, cheated on his ass, it's probably because he's a bad guy." He put on hand on the wheel and start driving.

"I doubt it." I disagreed.

"I won't tell Mama but if you come home pregnant someday me and Mama gon whoop ya ass and his ass." He raised an eyebrow.

"That'll never happen but okay." I shrugged.

"Ariel, I kinda want to spend more time with you. Ya know? We should bond together someday. Just you and me. We never get to talk to each other much and I miss talking to my little sis." He smiled a little.

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