Chapter 53: A Night With Prince

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I never ran away from home before...

And I never seen Mama so angry at me before and never heard her cuss before...

She's always been a clean mouth and never cuss.

I must've made her very mad.

I have mixed feelings about how I feel about that.

I feel heartbroken but at the same time, I don't care.

Heartbroken because she cussed me out and gave me looks as if I was never her child and the fact that Trey didn't get in trouble.

But I do kinda agree that he shouldn't get in trouble because he's moving out before his baby comes.

The reason I don't care is that she got mad at me because I'm dating a person and claims that I'm not a virgin.

I'm not a virgin because of William, not Prince.

I didn't even want to loose my virginity.

Prince looks very attractive and sexy to me but still I don't want to have sex with him until I'm married with him because I know better.

This all wouldn't be happening if I just told a police about William.

I try to... but I get anxious about it.

I remember that time I had the phone in my hand and trying to call the police but he slammed my phone and broke it.

I hate my life.

After miles of walking in the heavy rain with my umbrella on the roof of my head, my legs completely gave up and I collapsed on the sidewalk in front of Prince's house.

It took two hours to get here and it's very dark.

There's no cars around the house and inside the house is dark.

I crawled to the door feeling pain every time I had to force my legs to move and my feet pounding from being up on my feet for a long time.

I regret walking all the way over here thinking that I will survive.

Why couldn't my dumbass go to the Jackson's house. They're next door to us.

But I miss Prince. I want to hang out with him and I kinda think he's mad at me.

I got up from the ground and folded my umbrella now that I'm under a little roof by the door.

I rang the door bell and stood in front of the door hoping that somebody is home and if not, I have to go alll the way back so that I can go to the Jackson's house.

I rang the doorbell again and heard the knob rattle softly and the door creaking open.

"Ariel?"Prince raised his eyebrows and slowly grew a worried face as he noticed the redness of my face.

"Hey. Can I spend the night?" I ask and my voice shaking.

"Why are you outside? It's pouring out here and it's a severe weather?!" He grew worried.

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