Chapter 12: Basketball with Michael

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I went to the Jackson's house. Joseph wasn't home, it was just the brothers, the sisters and Katherine. Katherine was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen and the brothers were doing homework in the dining room. I have homework but I don't feel like finishing it now. It's just a few stupid questions.
Latoya and I sat down on the couch in the living room awkwardly not saying anything after we greeted each other. It would've been more awkward if the tv wasn't on. Gladly, the tv is on, it's on and blasting loud, I guess so Katherine can hear it all the way from the kitchen.

"So, let's talk about cheer tryouts, since we're here together and alone." She said crossing her legs.

I sighed and looked down thinking about what happened.

"You said you'll tell me about it later, so it's later and now you should tell me about it."
Latoya turned the tv down and sat up on the
comfy couch.

I sighed again, "I just hate the way she treats me, I wish she can leave me alone." I mumbled.

"I know, I think you were a little too nervous over there, that's why you fell." She said. "But hey, everybody makes mistakes and plus you did it again and you did it perfect afterwards." She added.

"I know, but people will see my fall on Instagram." I looked at her.

"Don't worry about it, they saw that you fell. Everybody falls on their butt." She shrugged.

"I know that but I want that video to be deleted. It was just too embarrassing. She has over a thousand followers on her Instagram and most of them is the students at school, anybody can see it." I panicked.

"Girl, you got more followers than she has, not everybody will see it. Chill." She put a hand on my shoulder. "They'll see the video and laugh about it, then you'll prove them wrong by making the cheer team." She smiled.

"But what if I don't make the team?"

"You'll make the team, I know you will cause you did more than me. Did you see what I did? I struggled on the cartwheel and did the splits and that's all. I don't think I'll make it." She laughed.

I sighed and crossed my arms.

I guess she's a little right but I'm not for sure.

I heard footsteps walking towards the living room. We turned around and it's Michael.

"Hey." His eyebrows raised and he smiled at me.

"Hey." I quietly said giving him a weak smile.

"What y'all talking bout?" He asked walking towards us and sitting down next to me. "I wanna join." He said.

"Uh. No Michael. I think you should leave." Latoya rolled her eyes.

"Nah. I'm bored. I wanna talk to y'all." Michael smiled.

Latoya sighed loudly and got up, "Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Ariel, do you want something to drink? Like Sprite or something?" She politely asked me.

"Sure." I nodded and smiled.

She left leaving Michael and I in the living room by ourselves. He turned his head and looked at me as I kept my head turned away from him. I watched him at the corner of my eye as he stared at me and chuckled softly.

"So. Uh. How was school?" He asked.

I looked at him and raised and eyebrow, "It was alright, quite boring." I replied.

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