Chapter 51: Principal's Office

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"Ms. Bleu, you're suspended for two days." Mr. High announced to the both of us after calling Latoya's parents and Trey.

This is my very first time being suspended.

I know Trey's gonna be pissed when he gets here.

I'll have to explain everything.

I really don't want to because what if he goes and tell William not to mess with me anymore.

That won't stop William from abusing me.

He'll kill me.

Principal High left the office, leaving Prince and I alone.

I'm holding a ice bag over my head and Prince is holding a ice bag over my leg and we haven't said anything to each other since he pulled me out of the fight.

The chaos that happened keeps running through my head.

I really don't feel bad for her.

I feel bad for the injures we gave her but I don't feel bad for beating her up.

I actually feel good that we beat her ass.

She deserved it.

Maybe it will shut her up for good.

She needs to stay out of my business and let me have my relationship with Prince.

She's the reason why I'm pregnant now.

"Do you want to explain what all of that was for and why were you cheating on me last night?" Prince finally spoke.

My heart begins to beat faster against my chest and the lump in my throat makes it hard to swallow as he stares at me.

"I was never cheating on you." My voice shook.

"Then explain about who that guy was on the news with you. Y'all were holding hands..." Prince .

Here's the story that I have to explain to him.

"That guy is William. Nia was trying to get me with him."

"And you let her?" He questioned.

"No. That's why I fought her. I want her to stop because he's not a good guy and she's ruining everything."

"I can't believe you." He looked away from me.

"Why don't you believe me?" I looked at him puzzled.

"Because she told me last night that you said you wanted to be with William and ya'll are planning to be in a relationship soon."

I gasped and my heart begins to pound faster against my chest of anger right now.

"So you would believe Nia over me your girlfriend?! That's a complete lie Prince! I would never be in a relationship with William at all! He's a jackass!" I shouted.

He snapped his head towards me.

"Then why were you holding hands with him if he's a jackass?!"

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