Chapter: 19: Sleepover Secrets

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When Latoya, Rebbie, Erica, Nia first came in like 2 hours ago, we all went straight in my room. We had music on and the tv on as well. Rebbie was sitting on my pink chair, painting her fingernails and toes, Latoya was dancing to the music in front of the stereo, Erica was on her phone and taking selfies and Nia and I were sitting together on my bed watching Latoya dance.

Sabrina told us she'll be in in her room during the sleepover all by herself. I don't know why. She's missing all the fun we're having. I thought she was gonna have a sleepover with us but she just decides to stay all by herself instead. Boring.

Now, we're just sitting in my room chatting about things. I'm sitting in the edge of my bed beside Latoya and Rebbie, Erica is sitting on the chair next to my bed and Nia is sitting in the floor in front of Latoya, Rebbie and I. I'm wearing Cookie Monster pajama pants and a light blue tank top to match it. Latoya is wearing a pink hello kitty onesie and she looks like a little kid. Nia and Erica are just wearing a tank top and shorts and Rebbie is wearing pajamas that are similar to mine but in a onesie.

Mama and my brothers aren't home yet so it's just us girls in the house. We can be as loud as we want until Sabrina comes in and complain with her boring ass.

I haven't had a sleepover at my place since ages. It's been since I was 12 years old when I had a sleepover here, the rest of the years, we'll go over to the Jackson's house for a sleepover. Sabrina would always go to a sleepover and have fun but now, I don't know why she's not interested.

"Did y'all know that the cheer tryouts list is coming out tomorrow?" Latoya asked after telling us a long story about her crush, Marcus.

She told us all about Marcus for about 10 minutes and I think he's a pretty cool guy. Latoya said he asked her to be his homecoming date and she said yes. She showed us pictures of Marcus and he's pretty good looking. She also told us all about him and I think he's a really good guy for her. I guess this explains how hyper and happy she is tonight because she feels like they're gonna marry each other some day.

"It is?" I raised my eyebrows.

Latoya nodded excitedly, "Yup. I can't wait to see the results." She squealed kicking her legs up.

Erica looked at me, "I hope you made the team Ariel."

I shook my head, "Thanks but I didn't." I mumbled looking down.

"You don't know that." She gently nudge my leg.

"You did good the second time." Latoya smiled. "I'm sure you made the team."

"Yeah, but I had to do it twice. She let me do the routine twice because I failed the first time." I mumbled.

"And then you killed it the second time. You were amazing." Latoya squealed.

"Wait. Woah. What happened at the cheer tryouts?" Erica asked. "Why didn't y'all tell Nia and I?" She looked at Nia then back at me.

"I forgot." I shrugged.

Latoya sighed, "We were at cheer tryouts and it was Ariel's turn. She was tumbling, then she fell and Kaitlyn and Justice got it on tape and posted it on Instagram." Latoya explained playing with her fingers. "Then, the coach gave her a second chance since she fell then she did a great job on tumbling and the dance routine. She did better than me." Latoya smiled at me.

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