Chapter 15: Lunch With Prince

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Prince's POV•
I waited in front of the cafeteria for Ariel to arrive. I really don't feel like eating in the cafeteria this time. Since our school allows us to go off campus during lunch time, I'm gonna bring Ariel with me to my house and we're gonna have lunch there since it's close to the school. I really want to show her what I can do on the guitar. I'm thinking about writing a song for her. My very first song. She deserves a song written a for her. She's so beautiful and I have a huge crush on her. She doesn't know that but she will some day.

I kinda felt bad for her when Ms. Steely read the notes that Michael and Ariel have been passing for like 10 minutes, but I got really mad when Michael said that she's pretty. I hate the fact that they live close together and I hate the fact that Ariel talks to Michael more than she talks to me. I wonder if she likes him. I wonder if she likes me. If she don't, imma try my best for her to like me! I've had a crush on her for the longest and I think it's time to move up a level.

I spotted Ariel walking towards the door, her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Hey." I smiled at her.  "Come here." I motioned my finger for her to come towards me.

She weakly smiled at me, probably still in the bad mood for what happened earlier. She never came back to class after she ran out crying. After class, I tried to find her but she was no where to be found.

"Do you want to go off campus with me and eat lunch over at my house?" I asked her.

She sighed, "Sure. I guess."

"Good. I hope my mom is cooking some good lunch." I smiled.

We walked out of the cafeteria then walked out of the school and walked a couple blocks to the house which took about 5 minutes. It felt like a long walk because she didn't talk to me the whole time and plus it was very hot outside.

I wonder if she's gonna be silent the whole time.

We walked in the house and spotted my mom reading a bible on the couch with the tv off. My family is a Jehovah's Witness. My mom reads the bible almost every day and night with my dad and we don't really celebrate any holidays or birthdays.

"Hey Ma." I closed the door behind me.

"Hey." She looked up from the bible and smiled at me and Ariel. "Hey Ariel, long time no see sweetheart." She smiled brightly.

Ariel shyly smiled and waved a little.

"I guess y'all are here for lunch." She assumed and closed the bible and set it beside her getting up from the couch.

I nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"I just got done cooking some Macaroni and vegetables." She said pointing at the kitchen.

"Thanks Ma." I said walking towards the kitchen while Ariel followed me.

"Enjoy your lunch." I heard her from the living room.

I looked over at the big piano far behind the dining room table. My dad isn't there so he must not be home, or he's probably asleep in his room. Mostly when I go home for lunch, my dad is always in the piano writing new songs and whenever he's not there, he must be out somewhere.

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