Chapter 16: Michael's "Pool Party"

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I sat on the comfortable beach chair with a big beach umbrella over it and Michael is beside me in another white beach chair. The hot sun blazed down on us while the 90 degree heat hit our skin and the pool water sits still in the pool and sparkles blue. The birds break the silence by singing their annoying songs on the tree branches and the sound of light soft music playing from stereo that is between Michael and I.

I looked over at Michael and he's on his phone smiling, looking cute as ever. The sun shines bright on his teeth making his teeth glow white. His brown skin glowed in the sun and his curly Afro is shiny black. Just wearing a white T-shirt kali shorts, he looks really handsome in his outfit.

Just looking at him makes me want to have a future with him, but I know that'll never happen. Well, that might happen because of he way he talks to me. "Perfect" and "Beautiful" I think he likes me.  No, it can't be, all boys say that to be nice.

All of a sudden, he puts his phone down on top of the stereo and starts singing softly to the music that's on.

Stop, the love you save may be your own
Darling, take it slow
Or someday you'll be all alone
You'd better stop, the love you save may be your own
Darling, look both ways before you cross me
You're headed for the danger zone

I listen to his beautiful soft voice and watched him bob his head and snap to the beat.

I'm the one who loves you
I'm the one you need-

"You sing really good." I complimented.

He looked at me through his sunglasses and smiled, "Thanks."

He continued singing,

They'll ruin your reputation
They'll label you a flirt
The way they talk about you
They'll turn your name to dirt, oh

His voice sounds way more different than than his young voice in the stereo. His voice sound kinda more deeper and mature.

Issac said he kissed you
Beneath the apple tree
When Benji held your hand he felt
When Alexander called you
He said he rang your chimes
Christopher discovered
You're way ahead of your times

Michael took his sunglasses off and got up front the chair and start dancing all silly, making me laugh. He pranced, jumped around and wiggle his legs acting a fool.

He then grabs my hand, "C'mon, dance with me." He said helping me up off the chair.

I laughed, "Michael, it's too hot to be dancing right now."

I stood there laughing and blushing while he pranced around me and spun me around.

"Dance." He said again spinning me around with my hand. "C'mon the party started."

"It did?" I looked at him puzzled. "Well where is everyone?" I asked looking behind me.

"I never said I'll invite anybody else." He shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I shrugged.

He sighed and smiled, "Pool party only for you and me. Not anybody else." He pointed at himself then me.

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