Chapter Eighteen

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Brendan checked into the Pokémon Center and handed the nurse his team. It was around eight in the evening and many people were getting out of work late and closing up shops. Brendan decided to leave his Pokémon for the overnight treatment and headed out to the Crooner's Café.

He wasn't certain why he wanted to go back there. Perhaps he wanted to see that woman again. But the chances of him running into her at such an hour were pretty slim. As he stepped out into the cool air of the evening, his gear went off. He reached down and answered the call.


"I'm so proud of you honey!" Brendan's mom exclaimed from the other end.

"Thanks mom. It was a tough match," Brendan replied.

"I know. Your father and I saw the whole thing. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!" Mrs. Birch explained.

"I was sweating bullets out there. His Manectric was powerful," Brendan sighed in exasperation.

"That's Wattson for you. One of the toughest to face. But you did it! Your father and I were rooting for you all the way," Mrs. Birch said with a happy tone.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the battle," Brendan replied with a smile.

"Well, we most certainly did. Your father and I are about to catch our favorite show and then head to bed. Have a good night sweetie! Love you!"

"Love you too mom. Goodnight," he replied before hanging up.

He glanced down at his gear to see messages from Tim, Lucia and May. They were all congratulating him on the win. Brendan smiled and messaged them all back his thanks. He then put his gear away before stepping into Crooner's Café. It appeared to be open mic night as there was a male guitarist up there with a mic providing background music.

Several other musicians were lined up and ready to go. Brendan walked to the counter and ordered a Rawst Berry and Nanab Berry smoothie. The cashier wrote it down and printed the receipt. Brendan glanced over at the corner where he met with the woman, and sighed. He shook his head and waited for his drink.

"She comes a few times during the week," a worker behind the counter stated, catching Brendan off guard.

"I'm sorry...what?" He asked.

"The woman with the short lilac hair? I was here when she called you over to sit with her. I almost thought I was seeing things," the worker laughed.

"Really? Why?" Brendan inquired.

"Because," the worker said as he handed Brendan his drink, "she doesn't talk to anyone. Period. One guy tried and she just stared blankly at him. He ended up being majorly creeped out. Another guy just got a death glare," the worker laughed.

"Ouch. Sounds like they got it rough," Brendan replied, taking a sip of his smoothie.

"Yeah, and then you came along and she changed her tune. At first I thought she swung the other way, but then she gave you that look," the worker smirked.

Brendan raised a brow.

"Bro, she looked directly at you. Also, I think it had something to do with you being in tbe news. By the way, we just watched your match. Way to go dude!" He offered a fist bump which Brendan took.

It appeared as though Brendan was growing in popularity. He was going to have to be careful not to let it get to his head. Roxanne never allowed it in class. He did not want to be reprimanded by her. He sat down at a table after the worker took another order.

So she only talked to me? Brendan thought, blinking slightly at the words the guy said.

Strange. I'm not any different from the other trainers out there. What did she see that's so special that she would talk to just me? Brendan pondered as he sipped his smoothie.

It's not as if I did any-wait. Duh, she showed me the museum picture. Maybe that's why she talked to me? Still. That's not exactly noteworthy. I mean, the police could have done that. Too bad they never got there in time, Brendan sighed inwardly as he took another long sip of his smoothie.

Courtney put her tub of ice cream away and turned off her television. With a stretch and a yawn she stood up and walked to her computer and turned it on. She opened up the browser Fire Fennekin and typed into the search bar. A web page popped up for popular trainers and sure enough, Brendan's popularity was getting bigger. On the site was his current team.

Thus far he had a fairly strong Poochyena that was sure to be fierce upon evolving. Following that was a surprisingly strong, and new addition to the lineup, Growlithe who she needed to study as well. There was also a Skarmory that showed its prowess by trouncing Brawly's Hariyama. And she couldn't forget his headliner, Grovyle. Once more, he clinched the match with him.

Courtney glanced over at some of the comments with a deadpan. There were a few comments from some guys and a ton from the female populace. She raised a brow. Why was she so concerned about that? An image of her and Brendan talking in the Café crossed her mind. His face made her cheeks burn. She shook the thought away and studied the match.

Meanwhile, just outside of Mauville City, Miles was doing reconnaissance on reported Team Aqua activity in the area. Due to it being dark, he was perfectly covered by the night. His eyes grew wide when he saw a few members of Team Aqua on the side of the mountain opposite Team Magma's base,of operation. He kept himself hidden behind a thick tree and listened to the conversation.

"So, do you think the boss is right about this plan? Would this really work?" One Grunt asked another shorter Grunt.

"Archie knows what he's doing mate. Of course it will work. He's never steered us wrong and he won't do it now," the shorter Grunt replied.

"I just hope this is all worth it. It'll be a huge catastrophe if it doesn't. Either way, something big's gonna happen," the taller one responded.

What are they up to? Miles pondered as he watched them walk towards Mt. Chimney.

He followed them until they disappeared into the fiery path. There weren't very many places to hide in there. He'd only get caught if he wasn't prepared.

He decided that the best course of action is to return to base. And that is exactly what he did.

Brendan returned to his room in the Pokémon Center and began to undress for a shower. He walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. After a long and well deserved cleansing, he stepped out, and got ready for bed.

As he flopped onto the impossibly comfortable mattress, he sighed in relief. The day was over. He had his third badge and was now well on his way to achieving his goals. Right now, all he needed was rest and relaxation. Though he still couldn't get her off his mind. She was such a mystery to him. And the fact that Courtney didn't tell him her name got him even more curious. Setting aside the lingering thoughts, he slid under the covers and fell fast asleep.

Short, but it's filler. What can ya do right? This was just a bit of filler with some hints at the plot as well. I hope you all enjoyed reading this! I plan to keep it coming!

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