Chapter Twenty-One

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Contest day had arrived. Brendan had gotten in late the night prior and immediately crashed into his bed after checking in. Sleep didn't come easy, however, as his mind swam with thoughts of the moment just before takeoff. Courtney had kissed him. That was new. Really new. His face must have been as red as the steel under Skarmory's wings. He practically melted on the spot. He just couldn't figure it out. He was beyond confused. He awoke that morning almost completely out of it.

Was it all just a weird dream? He thought as he rolled out of bed.

He wasn't even aware that Courtney left a mark on his face until he got into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. His eyes widened when he saw a violet lip stain on his cheek. Nope. Not a dream. It was then decided that he would take a shower. To think he almost walked out the door like that.

Courtney stared at the computer screen for a while, simply analyzing the progress she was making on her latest project. Needless to say, she was in a fairly good mood. Though nobody would ever be able to tell when she had this uncongenial air about her. She took some pride in this because it kept people she genuinely disliked away.

But for Brendan? She turned it off. She could be a happy person if she wanted. But a certain few individuals ruined that luxury. She almost punched Tabitha for mentioning their names. She wasn't very generous in the forgiveness department. Other than that, she was over them.

As for Brendan? He was a puzzling case. She didn't want to strangle him on sight like other guys she came across. Albeit he could possibly become a threat to Team Magma, she was certain that even then, she would pursue him. The strange thing was, she didn't even know why. Perhaps it was the way he became nervous around her. Or maybe it was that goofy grin he dawned mid-conversation. Perhaps the hat? His eyes? Oh Arceus his eyes!

Her eyes widened a little at the thoughts that ran through her mind. This was starting to become more than a research project. The kiss on the cheeck elicited a rather intriguing reaction. He stuttered, which she found curious and cute. His face became hot as well. She definitely didn't lose her touch. The most interesting part about it was that she enjoyed meeting with him.


Brendan requires further study. I must find a way to bring him to our side. If he is with us, we will have the edge...

May stood before the mirror in her hotel room with a perplexed expression. She breathed in deeply and attempted to shut out the nervous feeling that was creeping up on her. Could she do this? She had seen many a contest, but to actually be in a contest was something completely different. Would she be okay? Or would she mess up?

No May, get ahold of yourself! You can do this!

May's gear rang. She looked down to see that it was Brendan calling. A smile formed on her face as she answered the call.

"Brendan! I'm so glad you called. Are you here? I'm so nervous!" May expressed.

"I bet. It's not too long until the contest starts right?" Brendan asked with a yawn, drying his hair as he spoke.

"Yeah, and- did you just get up again?"

Brendan laughed. "Actually I just got out of the shower. I've been up for at least half an hour."

"I was gonna say, you really should work on getting in earlier," May snickered.

"Well...last night was kinda long and-different...yeah, we'll go with that," he replied, pulling on his shirt after putting her on speaker.

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