Chapter Thirty-Six

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Brendan returned Professor Cozmo to his residence. The two were greeted with a tight hug from Cozmo's wife.

"Thank Arceus you're safe! Did they hurt you?" She asked, worry evident in her voice.

"Only emotionally dear," Professor Cozmo sighed. "They took the meteorite I had worked so hard on. I found it. It's mine!" Cozmo snapled.

Brendan frowned. He stepped forward and spoke up. "I'll get it back. Then you can continue with your research," Brendan stated firmly.

"Y-you will!?" Cozmo replied, hope filling his eyes.

Brendan nodded. "Yes. It seems like the only way. Team Magma may be after them, but I am not so sure about them yet..."

"Um...did one of them happen to have white hair?" Cozmo's wife inquired.

Brendan thought for a moment and remembered what Miles looked like. He saw traces of white hair on the youth's face. He looked only a few years older than Brendan.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Why?"

"Then I think you can trust them for now. That man helped me just before you arrived," she replied.

Brendan nodded and turned to exit. "I'll be back with the meteorite. Just sit tight."

Archie held the meteorite that Shelly gave to him. It was truly magnificent. The size was small, but he could tell that a lot of pent up power was inside.

"Well done everyone. Now be the time to head on up the Chimney!" Archie grinned as he turned to the great volcano before him.

"With the power of this meteorite, we will be one step closer to our goal!" Archie grinned, bagging the meteorite and heading to the lift.

Courtney sat at her computer and opened the screen to view the hidden cameras she had placed all around the mountain. She could see Archie and Shelly with their teams in tow, getting into the lift. She frowned as she saw Archie take out the meteorite to gaze at it.

What are you up to, Archie? Courtney pondered, keeping track of them as the lift took off.

Maxie and Miles, along with the others, arrived later. The lift was just now coming down and stopping. Courtney called Maxie. Team Magma's leader answered.

"Up the lift? Got it," Maxie nodded, putting his gear down and ordering his team onto the lift.

As they rose to the top, a piercing screech could be heard, causing Maxie to turn to the west side of the lift. Rising up with them, was a Skarmory. On her back was Brendan.

"He catches on quick. No wonder Courtney has an interest in him," Miles stated.

"Indeed. He is quite resourceful," Maxie smirked.

Miles heard his gear beep and grinned. He and Maxie exchanged knowing glances as he picked it up.

I can hear you...

Miles stifled a laugh as he read the message. Shaking his head he put the device into his pocket.

Brendan rocketed to the top of the Mountain just as Team Magma got off the lift. He landed with Skarmory and returned the Armor Bird Pokémon. Maxie stared into the determined eyes of the young man. A fire kindled inside, and Maxie could see up close, the potential Courtney saw.

"As much as I would like to engage in conversation, it would appear that it will have to wait," Maxie said as he indicated to the swarm of Team Aqua that came out from hiding.

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