Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The events of the previous night flashed to the forefront of Brendan's mind the next morning. He remembered being raptured to the other room by Courtney. As fate would have it, said individual was resting her head on his chest, and from what he could tell, she was still naked under the covers.

His mind was so muddled he had to think for a moment about what occured before they passed out. He remembered her being extremely forward in her approach. He wasn't at all prepared to be put through the ringer like he was. She was stronger than he thought and had taken the lead by a mile that night.

Brendan was pressed back against the couch as Courtney pressed her lips against his. Eagerness was evident in her actions because her hands were reaching below the belt in a hurried manner. She pulled back from the kiss and gave a devious grin.

"Let me ask you something Brendan. How was your first kiss?" Courtney grinned.

Brendan breathed heavily for a moment, his hands clutching the cushions of the couch as he spoke.

"Better than...better than expe-why are you doing that?" Brendan yelped, gripping the arm of the couch harder as she sank down so that she was looking up at him.

"Because Brendan...troublemaker is my middle name. And you're going to find out why," Courtney cooed.

I guess I can tell Tim and Lucia I joined the club, Brendan thought, laughing inwardly.

He gazed down at Courtney who was beginning to stir awake. Her lilac eyes fluttered open, a satisfied smirk plastering her face as she looked at him.

"Sleep well?" She asked with a smug expression.

"Aside from being given a workout that rivals rock climbing itself, yes," Brendan retorted.

Courtney chuckled and leaned up to kiss his face a few times. Arceus she loved doing that. Miles had been right about her liking of Brendan. She just didn't want to admit it until she herself was certain of it. And after their many meetings and a date or two, she found her answer. She did like him. And she certainly put her name on him the previous night.

"Well, we should get dressed. After all, you did say you would get us breakfast," Courtney grinned.

"That's true. I did, didn't I? I suppose I could fly into Mauville and hit the Food Court. Though...I really should shower first," Brendan replied.

"You are right about that. Perhaps we'll go afterwards?" Courtney suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Brendan stated as he sat up, Courtney sitting up with him.

"So Brendan..." Courtney whispered, "how does it feel knowing that your v-card is now sitting in my back pocket?" Courtney snickered.

"Oh go shower already," Brendan retorted, playfully pushing her, getting a light shove in return.

The Food Court was crowded that morning with new trainers. Many of them were all gathered at a particular restaurant where May sat with Lisia. Lisia was signing autographs for fans and although lacking as big a fanbase, May too had people asking for signatures.

The duo looked up to see Brendan and Courtney walking into the Food Court. A smile broke out over their faces as they spotted the two.

"Brendan, Courtney! Over here!" May called out.

Brendan and Courtney exchanged glances and shrugged. The duo made their way to May and sat down at their table as the fans parted.

"Hey May, Lisia. What's up?" Brendan inquired, nodding to the fans that were swarming them moments ago.

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