Chapter Twenty-Six

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The second day of the Food Court Tournament had arrived. Some of the trainers who lost decided to stay and watch while others continued on their way. Brendan had woken up before dawn to train his team a bit more. He sharpened each of their skills and was ready to face the challenges of the day. He wanted to be prepared for any challenge he might face.

Today's the second round. I saw some pretty tough trainers out there. Mark was good too, Brendan thought as he walked back inside to get ready for the day.

Gonna need to trust my team and hope for the best.

Brendan made his way into the Pokémon Center and walked up to the counter.

"Good morning Brendan. I trust the training went well?" Erica, the nurse behind the countersmiled as she took his team again, placing them on a cart to be treated.

"Yeah, it went well. We worked out a few things so today should be fun," Brendan replied.

"I bet it will be. Just have a seat and relax. Your team will be ready in a little while," Erica beamed.

Brendan nodded and lounged on one of the couches. He sighed as the events of the night before ran through his mind.

Courtney and Brendan were walking through the streets of Mauville, gazing up at the starlit sky.

"You know, it's nights like these that keep me coming here," Courtney began with a smile.

"It really is nice when all the lights are out isn't it?" Brendan chuckled, glancing over at Courtney.

"It is. Sometimes I think that if I reach high enough, I can pluck a star from the sky. Alas, it is but a fleeting dream," Courtney giggled.

"It would be pretty neat to see them up close, wouldn't it?" Brendan inquired.

"Indeed, though I do know of something better. It's a long time from now, but there is a meteor shower happening soon. I hear it's spectacular," Courtney informed.

"I heard that too. I hear it's gonna be near the Space Center though. And that's pretty far from here. Maybe I'll reach there before then. For right now, I'm not in a hurry to get there," Brendan responded.

"Don't you have a Skarmory?" Courtney chuckled.

"Yes, but I don't want my journey to be done too fast. I kinda want to enjoy the sights, you know?" Brendan said with a smirk.

He wants sights eh? I can give him some sights to enjoy. Wait...get it together Courtney, now is not the time! Courtney shook the thoughts from her mind and stopped the heat from rising to her cheeks.

"Yeah, that would be a bit of a letdown huh? A journey without sightseeing isn't much of one at all is it? After all, it's not about the destination, but the journey to it that makes it worthwhile," Courtney replied.

"Didn't some famous writer say something like that?" Brendan inquired, yawning slightly.

"What? I like books," Courtney retorted.

"Just checking," Brendan laughed, shaking his head as the two got closer to the Center.

"You'll be off to bed then, right?" Courtney questioned.

"Y-yeah, I need sleep. Plus I gotta call my folks. They probably want to hear about today. I also wanna get up early and train," Brendan replied.

Courtney smiled faintly and nodded. She was enjoying this little walk. It was a shame it had to end.

"Well, if you must go, know that I'll be there to watch you," she winked.

"Thanks. I appreciate it," Brendan replied nervously.

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