Chapter Twenty-Three

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May plopped down on the couch in the lounge and let out an exasperated sigh. She hadn't expected it to be that close. Gina really knew what she was doing and almost won. May knew that things would be intense, thanks to a tip from Lisia, but that was ridiculous. At first, she wanted to try the contest out for fun. But ever since Lisia spoke of the Grand Festival, she was determined to win the five ribbons in order to gain entry. Today, if she won, would mark the first of many hopeful victories. She'd just need to keep up with the badges too. After all, Brendan did promise to assist her with battle strategy.

The doors to the lounge opened and in walked Lisia along with Brendan and her parents. May smiled broadly when she saw them. She got up and darted over to hug them.

"Hey, it's so great to see you all!" May exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Good to see you too, May. Are you ready for the final bout?" Brendan asked, glancing around at the impressive lounge.

"More like nervous as hell. I can't begin to tell you how nerve-wracking that was!" May said frantically.

"Easy sweetie, I know it was a tough challenge. But you got through it right? And now you are in the last match and you have a chance to win," her mother pointed out.

"Your mother's right May. You have done an amazing job so far. Win or lose, just know that we are proud of you," Norman added, smiling at his daughter.

"Yeah, we're here for you. Now give it your all, May," Brendan interjected.

Lisia smiled at the interaction. May seemed really close with her friend and family.

"Well May, we've got about ten minutes until the final match. Let's get Combusken healed and ready shall we?" Lisia beamed.

"Sounds good. Let's go!" May replied, standing to follow Lisia.

"We'll be in our seats then. Good luck honey!" Mrs. Maple called to May as the duo left.

Tim sighed contentedly as he came out of the hotsprings in Lavaridge. He was still quite worried about Lucia. He was sure she was fine. She did reassure him that she was getting better. Maybe he was overthinking it. As he entered the Pokémon Center, he turned to see that there were a ton of people glued to the TV screen. He shifted his attention to what they were watching and saw that it was the contest in Slateport City that was airing.

Huh. I wonder if May made it to the finals, thought Tim as he watched the announcer step on stage.

"Everyone please take your seats, as the final match will now begin! Just a little while ago you witnessed May overcome Gina in a very heated battle. And not too long after that, Derrick came out victorious in his bout with Beatrice! Now our two coordinators will face off in one final match to see who gets the ribben! Will May and Derrick please take the stage!?" The announcer echoed with great enthusiasm.

May and Derrick both entered the stage with confidence. Derrick had light blue eyes and black hair that was medium length. He wore a suit that had similar colors to Froslass. The two met in the center and shook hands.

"I must admit, I am quite impressed with your style. At first I wasn't too sure, but after your victory, I can consider you a serious opponent," Derrick stated as he released her hand.

May blushed slightly.

"Th-thank you, Derrick. That's very kind of you. I'll do my best to not disappoint," May smiled, turning to walk to her side of the stage.

"Coordinators, begin!" The announcer bellowed.

"Combusken, take the stage!" May commanded.

A burst of flames erupted from the ball as Combusken shot into the air. The flames covered him as he flew skyward. Combusken crossed his arms and shot them outwards to disperse the flames, flipping a few times before landing in a three point stance.

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