Chapter Sixty

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Intangible and invisible to the eye. They are comprised of the hopes and dreams of humanity. But not all of them come true. Only those bold enough to make them happen will see their wishes fulfilled.

And now, my wish has come true. Hoenn, Unova, Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Kalos, Alola...your salvation is at hand!

Brendan looked up at what appeared to be a massive serpentine Pokémon descending from the heavens. Another majestic roar followed by a brilliant emerald light, heralded its arrival. Standing atop the head of Rayquaza was Zinnia. The great dragon lowered itself between the two battling titans and stopped just above them.

Brendan stared at the majestic dragon in disbelief. The situation was both terrifying and amazing. Terrifying because of the impending doom that was upon them earlier. Amazing because there were five legends in his presence, counting the two he had in his possession. He still had a hard time wrapping his mind around that. Their power was incredible.

He stood beside his friends and looked on in wonder as the dragon's mere presence dispersed the intense weather conditions. Somehow, that Pokémon looked familiar to him.

Roxanne sat at her desk grading the papers her students had handed in. A young, fifteen-year-old Brendan had remained behind to look through the many research books Roxanne had in stock. An essay was due soon, and he needed more information to complete it. As he scrolled through the multitled of books, he found one that caught his attention.

"Teacher?" Brendan began as he pulled out the book. "Mind if I take this book home and look at it?"

Roxanne looked up at Brendan and then glanced at the book.

"I didn't know you were into ancient cultures Brendan. Sure, you may take it. But be very careful, it's old as you can see," Roxanne chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful with it," Brendan replied, opening up the book and pausing at the first page he came to.

It was a picture of people raising their hands to a large serpentine creature. The creature shone with a celestial brilliance and seemed to be the object of their reverence. In the caption was a name Brendan had a hard time pronouncing.

"Its name is..."

"Rayquaza..." Brendan said aloud as he admired the emerald dragon.

" sister told me stories of this dragon. It's said that Rayquaza defends the universe from disaster. It's also said to be as old as time itself, second only to that of Arceus and the Creation Trio. In legend, it was said to have settled a dispute-"

"Between two titans..." Brendan finished for Katrina.

"Yeah, that sounds a lot like what's happening, right now. And if that legend holds as much water as it looks like it does, we are about to see an encore of that," Tim stated.

Brendan looked over at Wally who seemed to be trying to hold it together. His hands were trembling and his legs were shaking. Brendan walked to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder.

"'s gonna be okay. I don't know how, but I know that we're in safer hands now," Brendan said as he and Wally looked up.

"I-I know...I just wasn't expecting all of this to happen. I'm trying to be brave, but it's hard! This is all so scary!" Wally cried.

Brendan sighed and shifted his gaze back to the sky.

I know Wally. It is scary, but we will get through...

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