Chapter 10

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Austins POV

The door closed and I was stuck outside.

I never thought I would do that. Why did i do that? I feel great though.

I slowly walked out of her porch and went to my car. The drive home I couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't stop smiling. I drove up to my driveway and parked my car. The keys dangled from my hands and I walked into my front door. I opened it. Once I walked in the door I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called Amber.

Ambers POV

"Hello?" I answered my phone. It was Austin. We talked about how our day were and what were going to do.

"Really? Your mom wants to meet me?" I asked.

"Yea. she said that I talk about you a lot and she wants you to meet her. I have to go. I'll talk to you later. bye" He replied. I said goodbye to him and he hanged up. 

Since its the summer I don't have any plans. So why not. I agreed to meet his mom tomorrow. I asked mom and she said that its fine.

Oh my gosh. I'm so excited! ahhhh !

I plopped in my bed thinking about Austin. It was only 5 pm but it looked like it was 8 in the morning outside.  I went in my drawer and took out the blade. I stared at it thinking about all the bad memories. I took the blade and stood in front of the garbage. I dropped it in the garbage and walked away. Never again. I thought to myself.

I pulled out my phone and went on my Mahomie Twitter. Almost 3K followers and so much interactions. Other mahomie accounts were asking where I was and if I can do imagines.(Yes i did imagines).

The last tweet I sent was "Going to Austins concert ! So excited!" That was 2 weeks ago. I didn't tweet anything. I went on my TL and I saw tweets that said "Austin has a girlfriend" and "His girlfriend is so pretty." There were so many pictures of us together. Us at the drive in theater and even pictures of Austin and I in the car.

There was this one tweet that said "Austin and his girlfriend at the beach." there was a picture attached to it. I opened it and it was a picture of Austin on top of me at the beach. The picture was dark. I remember that day. A bunch of girls were running after us. I couldn't help but laugh when i looked at that picture because Austin had a boner. I RTd and Fav that tweet. I got a DM. It was my friend. It said "Call me". I was going to call her but then she called me first.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"How come you didn't tell me?" She sounded angry but happy.

"Tell you what?" I questioned her.

"Don't bullshit me Amber. I have a twitter too. I've seen the pictures of you and Austin." She said nearly screaming

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lied.

"I'm coming over" She said really quickly.

"What no" She hanged up.

10 minutes later I hear the front door open and my mom greeted my friend. We've been friends since 5th grade. She's a mahomie too. Then I heard someone running up the stairs and the door opened.

"Why haven't you told me that you've been dating Austin?" She barged in my room and sat on my bed.

"He asked me yesterday. I'm going to meet his mo...." 

"So you are dating him" she interrupted me. I nodded his head and she screamed. She pulled her phone and said "I have to tell someone."

My eyes widened and I smacked her phone out of her hands. I looked at her.

"DONT TELL ANYONE." I screamed. She seemed sad.

"But. you're dating AUSTIN MAHONE" She emphasized on his name.

"I know. But no one can know besides you. Please don't tell anyone.I don't want anyone to know yet." She looked at the ground.

"Tell me what happened. How did it happen." She looked at me excited. So I told her. I told her about how we met and what happened to me at his condo. I told her about the carnival and the drive in movie theater. She seemed so excited. She said that I need to introduce her to the Foolish Four. "I haven't met them yet" I told her and she shrugged. It started getting late so she was gonna leave. Then I told her about Veronica and she said her condolences. The last words she said to me was "Tell me how it goes tomorrow. Hope Mama likes you." she smiled and walked out the front door.

When she said that it made me have butterflies on my stomach.

I'm nervous now. Great.

I went back upstairs and looked at all the Austin posters on my wall.

I can't believe I met Austin. Now were dating.

I went to my bed and turned off the light thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow.

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