Chapter 64

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Ambers POV

We got to Austins red car. He stood in front.

I opened the door and a gust of skittle air rushed in my face. It felt refreshing for some reason. I tip toed onto the ledge and onto the leather seat. I sat there quietly, digging my dace into the giant bear while Austin drive me home.

He turned up the music but he didnt make me forget what happened back there. Where he "almost" kissed me. Its pretty awkward. I can see Austin turning his head to look at me but I didn't look at him. I pretended that he wasnt looking at me.

I look out the window and I see the familiar streets that I walked through before. Then we stopped in front of my frosty house. I just want to get out of this awkward situation.

So I turned my heard to Austin and say "I had a great night. uhhh bye." I reaches over the handle and I hear Austin practically scream no.

I turned to him and he smiled and says "I'll do it." He jumped out of the car and ran over to my side to open the door. The door swings open and the cold, dry air hit me in my face. Remember I only have Austins shirt on.

We started walking to the front of my house. As I'm walking I held the tiger in my left hand and kept my right hand out. I then feel Austin touch my hand. His warm fingers interlocked with my fingers. He started swinging our hands and smiles at me.

This is so awkward. My hands are sweaty. oh my god.

We got to my front porch and I quickly let go of his hand. Wiping my hands on my jeans because my hands were sweaty in the cold air.

In the movies, "the girl" gives the gentleman a gentle kiss on the lips and walk inside and feels all lovy dovy. I don't feel like I should kiss him. I turn to him.

"I had a really great time." I said with half my face hiding behind the bear so he can only see my eyes. His hands were in his pockets and he was smiling rocking back and forth.

"I had a great time too." He said looking somewhere. We both know that it's awkward.

To break the silence I said "I really like the bear." Looking at the bear. He started nodding and smiling.

"Um .." He looks down at his shoes. I took the bear and settled it down next to the door. As I did that he then looks at me.

"Well Goodnight Amber." He said still with his hands in his pockets.

"I think I'm gonna ..." As he was talking I started walking towards him slowly.

" ... call you..." His voice tender and shaky started getting slower and slower as I walked closer to him. I finally reach to him. I slowly tip toed and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. I feel him take his hands out of his pockets.

After I kissed his soft cheek, I wrapped my hands around Austins neck and gave him a hug. I feel both his arms wrap around my waist tight. I stood there tip toed trying to hug him and he stood there with his strong arms around me.

When We Met. (Austin Mahone Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant