Chapter 59

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Ambers POV

Austin started driving the giant car somewhere. Skittle wrappers everywhere.

"Why do you have skittles everywhere?" I said picking some up and dropping them.

"I like skittles" He said smiling still looking at the road. We sat there quiet, nobody talking. All we hear is the soft music playing on the radio.

Then all of a sudden Austin says "Let's play 20 questions."

"Why?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Let's just play" He said turning off the radio.

"Okay." I shrugged looking out the window. The sun blazed in my face so I squinted.

"Um. What's your favorite color?" I asked him. I stared out the window waiting for him to respond but I didn't hear anyone. So I turned to him.

He stood there staring at me with a "Really?" face.

"What?" I said chuckling. He looked at the road then back at me then back at the road again.

"You know the answer." He said nudging me. Which made me smile.

"no I don't." I said confused. He looked at me one last time and I said ...

"Guess." So I started thinking hard. I closed my eyes trying to remember but I couldn't. I can't.

"Austin I don't know." I whined giving up.

"Amber. Guess." He persisted.

"Austin. I don't know." I repeated. He looked at me again smiling.

"I'm gonna let go of this wheel ..." He stared at the wheel and continued.

"Until you shout out a random color." He said calmly.

"You won't ..." I said scared. I stared at his hands. They were slowly letting go of the wheel.

"AUSTIN!!! .. STAHP!!" I shouted.

"SHOUT OUT A COLOR AMBER!" He started screaming. It put pressure on me. I then looked back at the wheel and his hands were off it. I look at the road and I see the car slowly moving to left.

Oh my god ! is he really doing this?" I thought to myself. I was silent.

"Amber! Shout out a color!" He repeated again. The car started moving left into the left lane. Remind you we were on the highway.

"OH MY GOD. AUSTIN ... I DONT KNOW !! UMMMM RED !!!" I screamed closing my eyes and burying my face in my hands. I then feel the car turn slightly to the right.

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