Chapter 29

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Ambers POV

"You don't have to go on the boat. Its okay" He said softly as i lifted my head off his shoulder.

"I think I can go. I think I'm ready" I didn't want to but I have to. Today is the last time I'm going to see Austin. Tomorrow he's going on tour. I'm happy for him but I don't know what to do without him.

"Really? Are you sure?" He said getting up. He lent me a hand, I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"Yea. I'll go on it." Once I said yea he smiled.

Austins boat was bigger than my Dads boat. We got on the deck and it felt like I was on Sally. Light brown floor board, bright white sails and the net was bigger than the whole boat. I look over and I see a door. Its not that big but I can tell it leads somewhere.

"Its beautiful." I looked at Austin, still touching the net. Then I looked back at it.

"It is." He said. I can feel the breeze rush past my shoulders and the wave crashing onto to boat making it rock slowly. I close my eyes and remembered how it felt like.

Then I heard soft music playing in the background. Not that loud not that low, it was just right. Its slow music, the kinda music you slow dance to with a partner at prom. I open my eyes and I turn to Austin. I see him bend back up from the radio and walked slowly towards me.

He stops about 3 feet away from me and holds out his hand.

"Can I have this dance?" He says smiling. I smile back at him and I take his hand. He twirls me around a few times until my cheat hits his chest. We stop and we started giggling.

He then takes my right hand with his left and holds it against his chest. I can feel his heart beat faster. His right hand then went to my waist. My left hand went around the back of his neck and my arm rested on his shoulder. He held my hand close to his heart and I can feel his cold hand start to get warmer.

We start rocking back and forth with the boat. Listening to the soft music in the background.

I get closer to him so I can rest my head on his right shoulder. As im getting closer to Austin I can feel his arm wrap around my back.

I rest my head on his shoulder and he rest his head on my shoulder.

I him whisper "I love you." and I smile and I say I love you too. I can tell he was smiling too.

He let's go of my right hand and wraps it around the other side of my waist. I had no choice but to wrap my right hand around his neck. It kinda looked like an awkward hug.

He loosens his grip on my waist and I loosen my grip too. I can see his perfect complexion and his wonderful smile. We were face to face now.

"I'm going on tour tomorrow" He said looking down. We both were still moving side to side.

"Aren't you happy?" I asked him. He looked up at me.

"Of course I'm happy its just..." He looks away.

"Its just what?" I asked him trying to look at him. He looked back at me with those mesmerizing eyes.

Then he said "Its just that ... what happens if your mom says no ..." He looks up at me then continues.

"I'm going to miss you. I won't be happy without you" He looks down. I stop dancing and so does he. But he still looked down.

"Are you crying?" I smiled and chuckled. He was staring at the floor I bent down to see his eyes and it was watery.

"Austin" I grabbed his face so he can look at me.

"You should be still happy.." I let go of his face and continued.

"If my mom says yes or no..." I smiled.

"I don't know if she's going to say yes but if she doesn't then you should still be happy..."

"Because a year from now, I'm still gonna be here." He smiled.

"You're right." He looks at me and smiles.

"Is your moms home right now?" He asks me. I walk away from Austin and I go near the end of the boat. I turn back around I smile and say "She goes to work at night. She'll be back til morning." I lean on the edge of the boat.

His face looked sad. Then he says "But I'm going on tour tomorrow." I forgot all about that. Then I looked back at him.

"I don't think I can go with you on tour Austin" I said sadly. It was silent for a couple of minutes.

"Let me show you something." Austin grabs my hand and we run towards the door that I saw earlier. He turns the knob and we both enter.

This chapter is so cute :) Anyways If this chapter gets 25 votes I'll make chapter 30 :) Thanks for reading :D

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