The B*tch

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Allie's POV
"Class, this is Irina Jelavic, your new English teacher!" Korosensei seemed mesmerized by one thing only....boobs.

I narrowed my eyes at this 'Irina' woman. She was all over the smiling yellow octopus, who had turned a bright shade of pink. Disgust was my first emotion as I rested my cheek in my palm at my desk. I had no time to be messing around with seductive women. Irina's blonde hair and blue eyes added to her beauty, but I was more focused on the obvious act she was putting on. Or.... At least, obvious to me. Irina continued to throw 'compliments' at Korosensei, continuing to make him flustered and happy. After a few minutes, I slammed my hands down on my desk, standing up.

"I've had enough of this," I muttered.

Those were the last words I said before I stormed out of the classroom, brimming with annoyance while ignoring the attention I got.

"This is stupid. She's obviously a two-faced liar!" I spat the words out without much thought.

My feet carried me into the trees, and soon enough, I found myself in a peaceful clearing. I climbed into a nearby tree and sat there, my thoughts beginning to wander.

"They'll surely send other assassins in to go kill the monster, but I'm expecting you to be able to deal with them," My mother was very clear on what she wanted to happen.

"I should probably go back then," I sighed to myself quietly.

I leaped from the tree swiftly and landed on my feet with no effort. My journey back took longer than expected, but it was probably because I was dragging my feet. To my surprise, the class and Korosensei were playing a game I forgot the name of. I enjoyed watching without being noticed until Irina decided to butt in. She asked Korosensei to retrieve something, and he was gone in a flash. I gritted my teeth and listened more carefully.

"Shouldn't we go in, Irina-sensei? Class is going to start," I heard one of the kids ask.

I know it's bad manners, but I had already forgotten most of the names of my classmates. (Or maybe the author of this is just too lazy to write them? Whoops.)

"Just make it a study hall. And don't call me by my first name! I'm not interested in playing teacher unless the octopus is around, so call me Jelavic-neesan," Irina snapped quickly.

I heard Karma make a remark that had to do with a nickname of B*tch-neesan (don't judge me for censoring, I'm still a little sensitive to some words) and something else. She only said something about grown-ups that I wasn't too interested in. I had kept my silence up until then, but I growled when Irina decided to give Nagisa a full-on kiss. This made me snap for reasons I will never know.

"Alright, this is just stupid," I snarled. "You decide to come here and walk around like you own the place, stating it's because you're a grown-up? Stupid excuse, if you ask me. Oh, you may think you'll be the one to kill the octopus, but let me tell you, I'll be in Hell before I let the likes of you kill him. Don't go thinking you've won already because I'm quite sure whatever you have planned will only fail!"

Tension was heavy in the air as the blonde and I had a stare-down. The class watched us uncomfortably before Irina smirked and began to walk away. She glanced back and spoke in a steady voice, "interfere with my assassination in the slightest, and I'll kill you."

Hatred seared through every fiber of my being. I was certain she didn't have the skill to kill me, but I stayed quiet for the sake of the others. No one would want to see any kind of gory showdown because of this. I clenched my fists angrily.

"That.... That B*tch!" I snapped with malice. "I'd like to see her try to kill me."

I ignored the feeling of the others watching me and stared after her with obvious bloodlust.


"Dangit!" I gritted my teeth as I failed at hitting the target in shooting practice.

This kind of weapon wasn't my favorite. I left the guns to Aliyah most of the time because she had a talent for shooting. A scary talent, I will add. I noticed that the rest of the class had their attention on the shed. I inched closer to Nagisa and spoke softly, "what's happening?"

"B*tch-neesan and Korosensei went into the shed together," He answered without looking at me.

I stared at the bluenette for a moment before sighing and turning away, "whatever. She's gonna fail."

"Why do you think that, Allie-san?"

"Well because she's using real bullets," I told whoever asked the question. "I've already done my own little investigation, and I can't wait to see her fail."

I grinned as I heard the noises of gunshots and then a scream. Other sounds came from the shed, causing the class to run over. I followed at a slower pace, already happy with my win. To my pleasure, I saw Irina on the ground, in a gym outfit. She said something that I paid no attention to, as I was secretly snapping pictures of her. The kids exploded with questions toward Korosensei, but I kept quiet and zoned out immediately.


Reading during English was something I didn't mind doing.... Except for the fact that Jelavic was complaining about having no wifi. I was vaguely aware of Karma saying something about her pride from his seat beside me, but reading was more important than the redhead to me at the moment.

"If you're not going to teach us anything, could you swap with Korosensei? There are exams this year."

I didn't know the owner of the voice, but the question was actually one I was interested in hearing the answer to.

"There's no point in studying! Class E is supposed to be the lowest, the misfits!" Jelavich smirked. "If my assassination attempt succeeds, I'll give you 5 million yen to share. That will get you more than any kind of schoolwork will, so-"

She was cut off by a book flying in her direction. The class turned to see that I was leaning back in my chair, a small smile on my face.

"You know, you're quite annoying. Why don't you shut up and get out? Korosensei can do a better job at teaching than you can standing there complaining. Now, either go away or teach us something," My voice sounded bored, but there was obvious sincerity to the words.

*Timeskip* (Bear with me, I know there's a lot here)

After a fun little game, I noticed that Jelavic had returned. She wrote something in English on the board that made me almost gag.

You are incredible in bed.

She had the class say it and then explained what it meant, making most of them flustered. My eyes narrowed at her as she glanced down with an ashamed look on her face.

"The only thing I can teach you is conversation skills, so if you still don't think of me as a teacher, I'll give up on my assassination and leave. And.... I'm sorry for being such a... B*tch," Jelavic surprised me with those words.

The class began to murmur somethings.

"I guess we can't call you B*tch-neesan anymore."

"We should change it!"

"Let's call her B*tch-sensei!"

I started to laugh as Jelavic began to become irritated.

"How about we stop with the whole B*tch thing completely? You can call me by my fir-" She was cut off by other voices.

"You're still a b*tch, and that won't change."

"So let's get started, B*tch-sensei!"

"I hate you all!" Jelavic snarled angrily.

I found myself grinning at the woman. Her blue eyes met my red ones, and we came to a silent agreement. I guess we did start off on the wrong foot. So.... Let's be friends!

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