Old Times

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Allie's POV
I thought I was going to die.... Allie frowned to herself as she walked next to her sister, who was quiet. When they stopped, a plan was made for the girls to go into the bar and unlock the door from the other side.

"I'm going to pass on this one," Allie said softly. "I, uh.... Need some time to think. And as for Aliyah, bars and her don't mix, so she'll stay too."

They received nods of agreement, and so Allie went to lean against the wall. To her amusement, Karma forced Nagisa into wearing a dress and following the girls in.

"You really shouldn't make others do something they don't want to, Karma," Allie smiled to herself.

"Well it's not like you were going in, so someone had to be the comic relief," The redhead said.

An irk mark appeared on Allie as she glared, "I'm not some toy you can use whenever you need entertainment!"

Karma bent down slightly to smirk in her face, and Allie clenched her teeth.

"Hey you two? Stop flirting," Aliyah yawned. "Unless you're trying some techniques. Nothing like the old times, right Allie?"

Allie's eye twitched, and she turned her head away, hiding the blush of embarrassment appearing on her face.

"Old times?" One of the boys asked.

"Once upon a time, we weren't too bad at doing what Jelavic does. But there was a problem that occured, so we stopped," Aliyah explained.

"Shut up!" Allie snapped.

Ritsu, listening on the conversation, pulled up a picture on each of their phones, "I found a picture of them a year ago."

The two twins were standing together. A sly smirk was painted on Allie's face, and she leaned on Aliyah's shoulder. The red eyed girl was wearing a miniskirt and a shirt that hung off the shoulders slightly. Aliyah wore shorts and a tank-top that showed a small amount of her stomach. Her blue eyes sparkled happily, and she looked as if she were somewhat shy.

"W-where did you find that?" Allie asked as she stared the photo.

She suddenly felt the presence of the devil behind her, and as she slowly turned to face Karma, she laughed nervously.

"Well this certainly makes up for the photo you took of me," He snickered.

Allie shrunk away from him with a fearful look.


Allie was sure she had felt the presence of someone as she hid behind one of the red chairs in the room they were in. There were rows of chairs, and there was stage on which a man walked out, holding a gun. The stage lights clicked on, instantly blinding all of them. That was annoying. The man fired, narrowly missing one of the students. Allie glanced over at Aliyah, who had her eyes narrowed in concentration. Her hand went to something around her waist, and Allie immediately knew that there was a gun there. Or two, maybe.

"He's good," Allie's sister told her. "But I may be better. But considering that Korosensei obviously only trusted a select couple with the guns, I'll leave it to them."

Korosensei started to speak, telling Chiba and Hayami that he'd give the signals when they were to shoot. Allie almost giggled aloud as she listened to him call out nicknames to describe who was to move and where they would go.

"The two people who were in that photo that Ritsu showed to the boys earlier, move to the left and be on guard," Korosensei called out.

Allie growled quietly, but she silently moved to where he instructed, Aliyah in tow. Chiba suddenly stood up and shot at the man. After a few seconds, one of the stage lights swung down and smacked the man off to the side. Hayami then shot the gun from his hand. The students all rushed out and tied him up.

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